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Hello from Austria


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Hi everybody,

I found my way to the Stargazer Lounge through a workmate who is from the UK. Half a year ago we met on a business trip and he told us fascinating stories about his telescope and astronomy. I was always interested in stuff like this but always thought that there is no way to do this at home... until this day ;)

To make things short, I've spent the last couple of month gathering informations through the WWW, our local forum here in Austria and pestering my local telescope dealer with tons of questions.

I first thought that it is a good start to take a 130/650 Newtonian on EQ2 (€200,-)together with my Sony DSLR. But the longer my inquires took the more I saw that this will make no sense cause of the "unstable" EQ2 mount... yes I read ALL the posts about mounts ;)

My object of desire is a 200/1000 Newtonian on EQ5 now (€600,- without accessories). No motors, no guiding for the start cause €600,- is triple the money I've planed to spend at the beginning. But I think this is a nice start and allows me to upgrade piece by piece. I have planed to buy the scope end of February next year. Meanwhile I'm playing around with my DSLR on a camera tripod trying to make some nightsky pics. But the weather is so bad since 4 or 5 weeks that I can not do anything :(

Btw... scared about bothering everybody with the same beginner questions about astro imaging I've bought "Making Every Photon Count" regardless that shipping to Austria costs half fortune ;) And I must say it is worth every pence!

Greetings from Vienna


PS: Forgive me my English skills :)

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Hi Martin and welcome to the forum. Don't hesitate to ask any question you like when the need arises, it's the only way to learn and we've all been there. Just pop a question in the appropriate section and replies will quickly follow.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum.

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