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Hello, Newbie from Devon


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Hi all SGL members, I am danbater located in Okehampton, Devon. I am a complete newbie and have not even committed to purchasing my first scope (yet). I have been browsing here for a few weeks around beginner scopes etc. I thought it was about time to register and say hello and stop lurking in the dark :) I am hoping to continue to get sound advice and meet some local (Mid Devon) members.

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Hi Dan and welcome to SGL, a lot of newcomers to the hobby consider purchasing binoculars before diving headlong into the choice of a scope, the interim period will give you time to familiarise yourself with the night sky and at the same time discuss the pros and cons of advancing to the next step with the forum members, enjoy :)

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Thank you all : )

Hi Dan and welcome to SGL, a lot of newcomers to the hobby consider purchasing binoculars before diving headlong into the choice of a scope, the interim period will give you time to familiarise yourself with the night sky and at the same time discuss the pros and cons of advancing to the next step with the forum members, enjoy :)

Funny enough today I read in Astronomy Now something similar :)

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Hi Dan. and a warm welcome to the SGL Forums.

One thing you can be assured of, is the help available to you here.

Any questions or problems you may have, will be readily resolved by the members, so don't be shy in asking.

Binoculars as already stated, are a good start for visual astronomy.

Any potential purchase you might wish to make, you can discuss with the guys  here, regarding how capable it will be for the use you want it for.

Also, you will get good guidance on prices. Don't part with your hard earned money, before you are completely satisfied with your choice.

Don't neglect the used equipment sale forums too, some good deals can be had, but be careful about Ebay ones, again, seek advice first.

Unfortunately, our Classified section won't be available to you for some time. The admission to that is 'Post Count' related.

When you have gained 250 posts, you will gain access. A bit of a warning here though, many aspiring equipment buyers, are tempted to 

post meaningless greetings, particularly in the Welcome section, in order to build their post count rapidly.

This usually leads to the culprit being moderated, and their count drastically reduced if they are deemed guilty of the practice.

If you have read the Forums Code of Conduct, you will already be aware of that rule.

All that said, enjoy your SGL experience. Soon, you'll wonder why you didn't join sooner  :grin:.

Best Wishes.


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