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Well, I've recently retired from work and have just started to take up something I wanted to do 50 years ago as a teenager.

It's all new to me and initially I'll be asking some stupid questions, so bear with me.

Maybe in a couple of years time after you guys have guided me on the right path to take up this hobby with passion, then I may be in the same boat as yourselves, and providing advice to people like me today....LOL

I'll be posting my first question later this evening.

Cheers all


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Welcome to SGL.

One thing to remember when your asking what you consider to be a stupid question... when we started out we didn't know the answer either.

So ask away. You'll be dishing out the advice in weeks :)


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Don't worry one Iota Ittone.

You won't find a friendlier place on Planet Earth than SGL.

Welcome to the Fold, and ask as many questions you like, and around 20,000 guys and gals will oblige :grin: .

You're in a good place, you can be sure of that.

Best Wishes.


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Kidsgrove is a bit North but in June, 7th+8th. there is an astronomy show on at Leamington Spa area.

There will be a lot there to see and people to talk with.

So if you can wait, it may be worthwhile gettijng there to look around and then make a decision.

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Hi, Ittone, and a warm welcome to SGL! Most scientific discoveries began with someone asking a daft question - think of Newton's "Why did that apple fall?" (I know it wasn't quite like that - but you get the idea!!) So ask away - it's how we learn!


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Hi and welcome. I've just started too. Retirement is still a little way off for me, but this is a great hobby for gaining perspective on life and learning how tiny, fragile and insignificant our world is. There's lots to learn and lots to do to get the maximum enjoyment out of Astronomy, but you've made a great start by joining SGL.

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