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Imaging with the 130pds


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13 hours ago, Rustang said:

I can finally add something I'm proud of using this scope, I'm still very new to all this though. 



Great image, my only suggestion would be to nudge the green channel down slightly as i think its a little bright relative to red and blue.


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3 hours ago, RolandKol said:

My OIII was a complete rubbish... had to crop a lot ;(
A bit overcooked, but I like it




Beautiful, because of my newbie lack of knowledge, what is this of? ?

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49 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

Here's a question... in RGB the OIII part of the Rosette looks a sort of washed-out red compared to the Ha parts.

Is there a trick with selective colour or similar I could use to turn it blue with being overly artificial?

Not sure which software you use,

in Pix, you can run Color Mask script to generate Mask for each color and brighten the part for OIII.

In this case, I was actually made to push it very hard... as most of my OIII subs went to the bin ;(

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26 minutes ago, RolandKol said:

Not sure which software you use,

in Pix, you can run Color Mask script to generate Mask for each color and brighten the part for OIII.

In this case, I was actually made to push it very hard... as most of my OIII subs went to the bin ;(

I use Photoshop + paints Shop pro

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M42 Orion Nebula

Frames: 41×180″ & 20x30"

20 Darks/Flats/Bias

In my personal opinion, I do prefer the core being blown out as HDR MultiscaleTransform just wasn't dealing with it well and it preserves contrast.

Overall it took me about 20 hours from setting up and taking images, to doing iterations of this in PixInsight and finishing. 

Once I get a modded DSLR, I'll be sure to add some Ha data to this.

Any CC or comments are appreciated :)



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A touch of lurgy at the moment has given me an opportunity to catch up on some imaging processing. The cone was the trickier of this pair- it’s much less bright and because there’s lots of gas around it, finding some background to calibrate on was not easy. Also, in my efforts to strip light pollution (both moon and LED) from the RGB subs I’ve removed any Oiii signal which I know is present somewhere in this! California was easier as it has higher surface brightness.

14/2/19: Ha – 14x 10 min subs (yes- my wife is very understanding)
21/2/19: RGB – 40x 2.5mins subs

14/2/19: Ha – 14x 10 mins subs
9/1/19: RGB – 12x 5 mins subs


Cone HaRGB 190221.jpg

California HaRGB 190214.jpg

California Ha 190214.jpg

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24 minutes ago, RolandKol said:

Looking for the last upgrade.

Baader ClickClock looks luring...

Has anyone tried it with SW CC which is also 0.9 reducer and ASi1600MM?

That lock is 30mm, - I afraid my ASi  will not get in focus with it while focuser is Fully IN.

I can 100% confirm to you that you will not have sufficient back-focus to accommodate the clicklock I tried it and it did not even work with a Baader MPCC MKIII and that does not change the focus position like the SW CC does. By moving the primary mirror an uncomfortable distance up the tube I was able to just...and I mean just reach focus with my LRGB filters but I was not able to reach focus with my thicker astrodon narrowband filters. I was not comfortable with leaving the primary hanging like that as I did not believe that it would hold colimation. 

You could try pairing it with a Explore Scientific Coma corrector as that moves the focus out 3.5cm....but that's an expensive game to play. 


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15 minutes ago, Adam J said:

I can 100% confirm to you that you will not have sufficient back-focus to accommodate the clicklock I tried it and it did not even work with a Baader MPCC MKIII and that does not change the focus position like the SW CC does. By moving the primary mirror an uncomfortable distance up the tube I was able to just...and I mean just reach focus with my LRGB filters but I was not able to reach focus with my thicker astrodon narrowband filters. I was not comfortable with leaving the primary hanging like that as I did not believe that it would hold colimation. 

You could try pairing it with a Explore Scientific Coma corrector as that moves the focus out 3.5cm....but that's an expensive game to play. 


Thanks a lot for confirmation Adam!
It looks like my upgrades are done for now.... :)

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On 01/03/2019 at 18:41, RolandKol said:

My OIII was a complete rubbish... had to crop a lot ;(
A bit overcooked, but I like it




How many hours is this? I too live in Bortle 8 skies, I have both the Baader 7/8.5 Ha-O3 filters.

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