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Imaging with the 130pds


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We were lucky last Saturday as there was a small window without clouds from 7pm to 1am, but here in south Europe we´ve  also suffered (fortunately for the dryness) two months of continuous clouds, rains and snow.

Edited: Added a second version of the pair M81 M82, if you zoom in there can be seen another two galaxies in the frame, one on the below right corner and another one upper center, I guess they are PGC galaxies, anyhow with only 150sec exposure it is amazing to see that this little scope is capable of capture Mag 15 galaxies undere Bortle 5-6 skies.


Edited by Susaron
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  • 2 weeks later...

So this is a completely unprocessed image from last night. Having some difficulty stacking and processing at the moment so thought I'd post this as a teaser for now. Not bad for the first image from my new equipment!

130PDS, HEQ5 Pro, Nikon D5000, 30 second Sub ISO 400

I ended up taking 35 subs, 10 darks and 10 bias frames but as I mentioned I'm struggling with the stacking process at the moment so will take a while to get the final image.

M32 in Orion :)

Clear skies!



Edited by simondodd
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6 minutes ago, simondodd said:

So this is a completely unprocessed image from last night. Having some difficulty stacking and processing at the moment so thought I'd post this as a teaser for now. Not bad for the first image from my new equipment!

130PDS, HEQ5 Pro, Nikon D5000, 30 second Sub ISO 400

I ended up taking 35 subs, 10 darks and 10 bias frames but as I mentioned I'm struggling with the stacking process at the moment so will take a while to get the final image.

M32 in Orion :)

Clear skies!



Looking good :) 

Not sure if its just my eyes but focus looks slightly off? do you use a bahtinov mask or live view focus?

I would also consider upping the ISO rating to get a little more colour and detail, as can all be dealt with post processing :)






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19 minutes ago, simondodd said:

Yeah the focussing is definitely slightly off, it was live view focussed. Not too far off but definitely off! Thanks for the tip, I'll up it to 600 or 800 for the next session.


i usually work around 800 - 1600 depending on what i'm targeting. 


i just had my canon modified and took it out last night for a quick session at M42, ill post a single sub on here soon. i'm still a newbie at this aswell :)





Uploaded single sub iso 800 2 min exposure



blur at bottom was a tree that got in the way >.<


Edited by tony8690
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With ISO400 you will get better FullWell for an object like M42 it is great. The sub you have preserves the core without burnt, so what you need is to increase the time exposure up to 3 min to reveal the nebulosity.

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Hi all,

Captured this M37 with my 130PDS + EQ5 +350d last night.

It was one of those bothersome nights when I was attacked by Gremlins. Managed 10 x 2 minutes subs before the 130 finally crashed into the mount and I was too cold to carry on!

Still, pleased with this for such a short integration time.





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1 hour ago, simondodd said:

Well this is the final version for now... 24 subs of 30 seconds each at ISO 400, 10 Darks & 10 Bias. 


Nice, but it looks like you clipped the data. Try to keep the full histogram visible, only clipping the "flat" parts. Try adjusting color balance in the shadows to get a nice looking background instead of clipping shadow detail.

Other than that good picture, a lot of good detail visible there.

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59 minutes ago, vernmid said:

Hi all,

Captured this M37 with my 130PDS + EQ5 +350d last night.

It was one of those bothersome nights when I was attacked by Gremlins. Managed 10 x 2 minutes subs before the 130 finally crashed into the mount and I was too cold to carry on!

Still, pleased with this for such a short integration time.





Nice star field.

Neat stars as well.

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2 hours ago, simondodd said:

Well this is the final version for now... 24 subs of 30 seconds each at ISO 400, 10 Darks & 10 Bias. 


There's a lot of nice detail in here. Definitely worth doing some flats too. It should remove that glow to below and left of the Nebula. Good pic :-)

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I know it's not ideal but I took some flats this evening and added them to the stack and then did a complete reprocess in photoshop... Fair amount of difference although the final histogram isn't great so I'm sure I've made some mistakes and cropped out some data somewhere along the way. I'm happier with the final image though :)

24subs @30seconds, ISO 400, 10 Darks, 10 Bias, 19 flats. Nikon D5000, 130PDS, HEQ5 Pro. :)


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32 minutes ago, simondodd said:

I know it's not ideal but I took some flats this evening and added them to the stack and then did a complete reprocess in photoshop... Fair amount of difference although the final histogram isn't great so I'm sure I've made some mistakes and cropped out some data somewhere along the way. I'm happier with the final image though :)

24subs @30seconds, ISO 400, 10 Darks, 10 Bias, 19 flats. Nikon D5000, 130PDS, HEQ5 Pro. :)


Wow, big improvement! Congrats.

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Dear al 130PDS fans,

Yesterday we went out to the -6ºC with the Moon just to test guiding, but in between I tried some subs with the QHY168C using a visual UHC filter from Optolong. I am (happily) surprised about its performance in terms of color balance as the stars didn´t look purple, the color balance for this filter seems quite similar to the IDAS LPS D1 I also use often. The big difference here is the price less than 50 eur the Optolong agains the almos 200 eur for the IDAS.

The picture of the pair M46, M47 it not completely processed, only the integration of 29 x 1min subs with bias, 10 darks, and flats at Gain 1, Offset 0.





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Work in progress. Lots of issue with flats and focus was out. Tried to remove double refraction's but this has caused an issue in M43. Also tried star reduction but this caused the middle of loads of stars being removed but not the outer, so looks like loads on donuts. But though I would still post it. 


Edited by spillage
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Dear 130PDS fans,

Here another picture from last Saturday with quarter Moon, the Horsehead Nebula and NGC2023, NGC2024, IC3435. The picture has a lot of readout noise due to the integration frame is an HDR of 15 subs of 30secs and 15 subs of 150secs at Gain 1 Offset 0 with the QHY168C, at low Gain and with shorter exposures de reaout noise is increased. I also used an UHC filter from Optolong (a 2'' 40eur filter). It was also made on the Madrid outskirts with all the light pollution dome above our heads.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone. It was nice getting back to the sw130 having been working with a sw250p for the up and coming galaxies. It also shows how stable it is; wind -even gentle gusts- are enough to ruin frames in the 250 whereas the 130 is barely affected. Clusters in the wind:




Thanks for looking and clear skies.




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On 19/03/2018 at 15:08, alacant said:

Hi everyone. It was nice getting back to the sw130 having been working with a sw250p for the up and coming galaxies. It also shows how stable it is; wind -even gentle gusts- are enough to ruin frames in the 250 whereas the 130 is barely affected. Clusters in the wind:




Thanks for looking and clear skies.




Blues looking good! 

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I still have lots of time this season to acquire more data, but I processed what I have anyway. Lum - 120x30s and unity gain from last year, 77x180s and half unity (76g/15offset) this month. RGB - 7x180s each, this month.

I don't seem to get along with this scope nowadays, there's horrible uneven gradient when I shoot with the IDAS-P2 filter, but none with the GB and just a bit with the R?!?! I didn't have any issue when I used the same filter with the Esprit 80 so I have really no clue.

However, my best processing from last evening:


And annotated: http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/2033482#annotated

Edited by moise212
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