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A newbie from Bathgate


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Hi Guys,

Well after dropping hints to my parents for the entire 32 years of my life they finally realised I was interested in getting into Astronomy and decided to spoil me rotten for Christmas by buying me a Telescope and Mount.

To be honest, whilst I have been interested I have never spent the time learning much beyond knowing some basic constellations. stars and identifying some of the planets when they are in the night sky.

Until my parents bought me the Skywatcher Skymax 127 Synscan Az Goto I was stuck with some rather low quality binoculars.. I remember going to Galloway Forest in May and trying to use the rubbish things without a tripod.. it was a bad experience!

Anyway, I was happy to get a clear night on Xmas day although Jupiter was blocked by my house which is something I had wanted to look at.. I think it would have been viewable later but the stupid AA batteries ran out which identified the first issue with my Goto mount!

Going forward I would like to try some astrophotography but am already aware that I will probably be limited to planetary and lunar photography due to the Az Mount and the low FOV but it will be nice to learn what I can using this telescope and such before maybe getting an additional scope and EQ mount in the future. I have already tried to buy a modified Webcam already but failed in my bid!

As I live in Bathgate, Scotland I suspect I won't have clear skies that often but I look forward to learning a bit more in the future and have already started trying to learn more about the skies now which I should have probably done in the past.

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Welcome to SGL

The 127 Mak is a fantastic little scope and paired with a decent barlow and webcam/planetary camera can produce some very nice planetary images.  It's also good for full disc lunar and solar images with a DSLR on the back.  It doesn't excel at DSO imaging, but as long as your expectations aren't too high you can do a little.  It's tricky even on an equatorial mount though.


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Thanks for the welcome guys!

After trawling the forum I have already realised that the telescope and mount bought for Christmas is only the start of what I now want... my eyes are bigger than my wallet however!

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Hiya, welcome to SGL :)

As Wackyscot above says, there's a few of us in the area. Check out the Central Scotland Observers Group forum, a more local group who arrange short notice observing / imaging meets in the Edinburgh, Lothians, Glasgow areas - if this weather ever decides to clear!!

Google CSOG and you will find the site.

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Thanks for that info about CSOG, I will have a look!

Managed to get out tonight and got a good look at Jupiter (with Ganymede, Europa and Callisto)

Then I decided to move back into the backyard so I stopped getting the strange looks from people walking down the street!

Got a look at M39 and showed the wife but she just said it was "a load of stars", doubt my telescope did the best but was nice to see what I could.

I think I also managed to see a smudge of M32 but I could have been imagining it!

Then only an hour and half after I started the dew got me! I think I will be ordered a shield and heater tonight because it was annoying getting cut short!

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