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Hello from Sevenoaks, Kent!

Emmanuel Marchal

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I've been in the UK 8 years and am passionate about all astro things. I'm embarking on my next astro journey with building an observatory. I hope to share plenty soon. 

Here is a brief intro about my astro story.

I got the astro bug about 30y ago when I was still a kid in France. My uncle had a 115/900 reflector and the sight of the moon craters got me. I then got my own 115/900 and started doing film based photography as a teenager, spending probably more time in the dark room than watching the sky ;). I had one of these Olympus OM-1N camera which made wonders working on Kodak TP2415 film (was this famous in the UK as well?). As I was near Paris, observing was quite tricky. But once in a while, I was gifted with incredibly dark skies on the Normandy coast.

I then acquired a Perl Vixen 130/720 reflector with a motorized Super Polaris mount and started to venture into the DSO area (still film based!). I thought the SP mount was such a revolution. Being able to track properly!!! 

Then I bought my first DSLR when I moved to the UK in 2006 and a new world of imaging started. At that time, I was living in south london (SE27) where seeing 50 stars in a clear night would be considered amazing. I started getting interested in satellite imaging and my fav picture is the one I took of the space shuttle about to dock the ISS as they were passing over London. From time to time, I was back in Normandy where i could do some nice deep sky imaging.

I've always wanted to have place where I could enjoy my astro passion any night of the week and also with clear skies in the south. Recently this became a reality with moving to Sevenoaks where the skies are dark enough to see the milky way. And i just bought a house where the south sky is mostly unobstructed from the garden. Hooray!!!

My 6" scope has definitely done its time, and now my next astro project is to upgrade significantly which I started last month with an EQ6 and an LX200 ACF 10" OTA. I now need to equip it with a new diagonal, some eyepieces (the perl vixen ones were all 0.965"), and everything needed to get into DSO imaging (autoguider, adapters etc). Also I'm planning to build a small observatory in the garden so that the new kit is ready to go anytime.



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Welcome to SGL Manu - Good to see another imager join the fold - Looks like you have lots of knowledge to share!

Look forward to seeing your images and seeing you around :smiley:

Thanks. I feel my knowledge is very limited when I read what most people know or achieve on SGL. But I do know my sky pretty well, having observed all these years without any goto system!


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