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Greetings from Poland


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Hello Stargazers!

Greetings from Poland. I have just started my journey to the astrophotography world, being thrilled and astonished as probably all newbies ;)

Whole my life I was staring at rocks just below my feet because I am paleontologist (well, not professional but rather enthusiast)... so this is the time to raise my eyes and check what is going on above ;). I have been impressed by deep sky objects since I can remember. Pictures of  the universe - this is the only thing which can compete with the beauty created by mother nature and evolution. All those beautiful creatures and plants we can observe were created here on Earth but we have to be aware that their origins are in star forges where all elements are being created. Everything on Earth, everything I have studied, come from the space... isn't it exciting? ;)))

Anyway, thank to friend of mine (who is an experienced astrophotographer), who "pushed me a little" I have started to gather all necessary equipment and finally I was able to start gazing at stars. After 4 sessions I'm pretty happy about the result. The moon, M27, M31 + a lot of fun doing this ;)

Looking forward next portion of fun and excitement ;-)))

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Thank you all for your warm welcome.

Location: Warsaw, so big town and big light pollution ;)

I must take the gear and use my car to catch some clearer sky.

The advantage of this situation is I'm always shooting from a nice and natural place somewhere ;)

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