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Hi guys. I'm after some recomendations on a dslr. I've been meaning to look into buying one for ages but just not got round to it. But as it's my birthday soon it's a good excuse to clear the moths out of my wallet and get my cash out and finally buy a camera. Obviously want to use it for astro stuff but also for family pics too. I've heard cannon is better for astro as there's more accessories for them but I don't know if that's true. Any particular features I should be looking for?

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Wow Chris there's a lot of questions there lol. 

I have the canon 1200d and love it it's easy to operate and there's an app to help you out with using the different settings and lenses. 

It works well for Astro as well. I have posted pictures that Iv taken with it I don't have a ccd camera Iv done all my Astro shots with the DSLR. The only thing I would change on it would be a swivel led screen so your not crawling around on the floor when looking at live view for focusing and alining.

Thats the only let down on the 1200d and I think Vicky Dews has the same camera Vicky B has the 1100d and I'm sure she would say the same for the screen. 

Hope this helps ?? 

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2 hours ago, astrotyke said:

Hi guys. I'm after some recomendations on a dslr. I've been meaning to look into buying one for ages but just not got round to it. But as it's my birthday soon it's a good excuse to clear the moths out of my wallet and get my cash out and finally buy a camera. Obviously want to use it for astro stuff but also for family pics too. I've heard cannon is better for astro as there's more accessories for them but I don't know if that's true. Any particular features I should be looking for?

Hi chris

cant comment on any canon cameras as I have always use Pentax cameras

for my photography from bird to portraits to landscape but I agree with mark

about the tilting rear screen


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Hi there everyone! I have the Canon 100D and I absolutely love it. I agree with Mark that a flip and twist rear screen would be very useful lol. The 100D is extremely light weight, which makes it ideal for every day family use. If I bought another I would consider a full-frame sensor, however these cameras can be very pricey. I chose the 100D as it was on offer at the time and included the 18-55mm lens as well as a 75-300mm lens and a nice camera bag. Would have been rude not to buy it at the price they were selling it for lol. Have a chat with Ryan with regards to his new Nikon as that looks a great camera too. I believe both Canon and Nikon are supported well for AP. As always, I would also recommend you chat to Gain with regards to cameras etc as photography is his thing. He'll give you some great advise I'm sure. Happy browsing :)


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Thanks for your replys guys, yes there were a few questions in there Mark :) but looks like most have been answered. I didn't realise about cannon having different lens fittings, so ill look into that. Ive never owned an SLR camera before so its all new to me, but ill pick it up quickly im sure. I guess I should set a budget limit too or it could get very expensive lol

Who here has modded there camera to remove it the IR filter? just wondered if anyone had and just how much of a difference it makes to both astro shots and normal day time use.


Now time for camera browsing :)

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22 hours ago, Physopto said:

Problem with canon is not all their lenses fit all their cameras. Those designed for aps-c do not fit onto full frame if I have that correct. My 5D cannot take the aps-c lenses. Don't know about Nikon.


that's true, but the EF lenses do fit on the APS-C bodies

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The aps-c lenses protrude into the camera body more than the standard lenses. Thus it cannot be fitted to a standard camera as the lens would foul the mirror. There may be other differences that I don't know about.


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36 minutes ago, Physopto said:

The aps-c lenses protrude into the camera body more than the standard lenses. Thus it cannot be fitted to a standard camera as the lens would foul the mirror. There may be other differences that I don't know about.


Thanks Derek, is it a better system than there other one, think there called EF, or doesnt it make much difference. 

Looking around on the net there doesnt seem to be much difference between cannon and nikon, just seems to be the case of go for the one you like the features on

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I think you are right. I have seen so many reviews of lenses of both Canon and Nikon. Neither is conclusive in my mind. One day one is better than the other then a month or two later it is the other way as as a new lens is out. The differences are very small I think. About 30-40 odd years ago I went through Pentax, Canon  and Nikon. I still have my Nikon F2AS and several lenses. But of course it is a film camera. Since then I took the bull by the horns and changed over to Canon again , buying the first 5D. Nice camera but superseded by better number of pixels etc., and video motion. My 100-400 IS  lens is still one of the best as is the 25-105 IS that came with the camera. I do not want to spend any more. There are others that swear by Nikon, Pentax, Sony to name a few. All probably very good.

Any IS lens from Canon will be good but of no real use for astrophotography. If you use them on a tripod you have to disable the IS (image stabilisation) and the auto focus. Same if on a mount. The normal lenses are OK with the full frame Canon. You get a lot more in the frame. The aps-c are something like half the covered area on the same scope. Have a look at CCD Calc for comparisons. It is a free download.  There are loads of very good DSLR astro imagers here on SGL who will tell you more than I can.

Best of luck.


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Ah right, cheers for that Derek, i shall have a look at what youve said and have a look around, but i bet in the end ill just plump for one of the brands. I was thinking of using the camera on the end of my scope, but i guess i might want to piggyback it on to it at some point, similar thing to what Vicky has done here, just not with 100ks worth of equipment hehe :)

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Hi Astrotyke thanks to Demon Barber who put a link on to an amazing sounding firm that modifies and sells canon digital

He explaines and gives photographic examples of modified and unmodified cameras and why they are needed. Its the best info I have read and I learned a lot. If you want to use
your camera for both ordinary and astrophotography he can modify it specially so you dont need to put an additional infra
red filter on for ordinary photography but it will be sensitive to infra red light when needed.

He also can supply a memory card with a programme on to give you more features such as an intervalometer when using his
card but if you use an ordinary card it uses the normal canon firmware.

I am in the process now of trying to sell my cannon 10d so I can get one of these.

You also need a tilt screen to save your back and live view so you can focus (or try to LOL) easier.

Here is the link again in case you decide to have a look.


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As always Chris the more you read the more confusing it becomes. It starts out clear and just gets foggy with advice and reviews. 

I think reading less is better some times whats right for others may not be right for you the only advice I will give is get a camera with the swivel screen the rest is up to you. 

Have fun 

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Good advice mark and your spot on. I  was thinking the same thing earlier aboit all the reviews etc. The swivel screen sounds a real plus point esp as I have a sct so I'll have a look at that as one of the things to look for

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31 minutes ago, dolfin said:

Hi Astrotyke thanks to Demon Barber who put a link on to an amazing sounding firm that modifies and sells canon digital

He explaines and gives photographic examples of modified and unmodified cameras and why they are needed. Its the best info I have read and I learned a lot. If you want to use
your camera for both ordinary and astrophotography he can modify it specially so you dont need to put an additional infra
red filter on for ordinary photography but it will be sensitive to infra red light when needed.

He also can supply a memory card with a programme on to give you more features such as an intervalometer when using his
card but if you use an ordinary card it uses the normal canon firmware.

I am in the process now of trying to sell my cannon 10d so I can get one of these.

You also need a tilt screen to save your back and live view so you can focus (or try to LOL) easier.

Here is the link again in case you decide to have a look.


Cheers dolfin. I shall have a look at that route too and see what it's like. I also guess it's very much like buying a telescope, do you either go for new or for second hand.

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yes Astro I have been through about 5 digital cameras  all of them wrong. from a simple one with attached lens and no B setting to my canon 10d which is a good camera but.

no swivel screen = backache

no live view = cant focus properly my 1.8 nifty 50 has a focus range less than 1mm at f2 so need to see real time

no drivers for windows 7 = have to use windows XP for remote control

very heavy

if I had known what I have just found out I could have saved a lot of struggling and money

I should have added to my last post make sure there are available drivers for your model of camera and the operating system you are using.


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some good info there, thanks, i deffiantly want a swivel screen, im nearly 35 now and could start with a bad back any day lol. live view, i shall look out for that one! and windows drivers, thata a good point, and one ill have to check. my laptop is windows 10 so ill have to check it. i do have a laptop with windows 7 on it which i could use.

Are some cameras alot more heavy than others, ive not looked at that before. 

Thanks for all these little things to look out for, all good advice :)

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Some nice clear patches here but the wind is too gusty to go out, now i am not going to swear on here so i don't know what to say regarding the lack of opportunity to give my Atik Infinity a chance of seeing some DSO's. I have just spoken with it & it appears to be getting a little paranoid and thinks I am blaming it for the clouds and now the wind!!!!.

Well if it speaks back at me I will definitely book myself in at Newton Lodge Psycho unit until the clouds clear!!!!!.

Cracking up yes lol

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yes Astro my cannon weighs about 2 lbs and the one I want a cannon 700d weighs about 1lb you can imagine what that would do to a newtonions balance LOL

with my canon you really have to use it with a CAT.

hope I havnt confused you even more 

regards Martin

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