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Everyone deserves a big 'thank you'


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This may sound a litt odd, but bear with me!

There are many folks on this forum and within the astro community who freely and without hesitation pass on their knowledge and experience to help others. I expect that you are one of them, who has in the past offered some insight into a piece of astro equipment or how to do something that may appear easy but is definitely giving someone else a headache.

I don't know if we actually realise how helpful we can be to others or how a small comment or insight can really make a difference. We don't always get thanks, but I think that it should be recognised how important that help is.

I have come across someone who feels inable to impart any information to others when asked about their perceived area of experience. I find that not only very selfish, but also sad. What has happened to that person so that they feel unable to help others? Why would anyone feel so unable to offer advice? On forums for example, it's not difficult to give an idea of how things are done or what can be changed.

I see many threads on here started putely for altruistic motives. Someone knows something or had learnt a way to do something and they pass this onto others to assist them - So a big thank you to those people. Your selfless motives help many others and are an inspiration - Long may it continue :smiley:

Sorry, I don't know if people agree, but I have been so surprised today that I just had to write this.

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This forum is a literal gold mine of expertise, wisdom and knowledge and speaking solely from my own experience (for what else can i speak) I came here a complete novice with no idea what I was doing and I have been nurtured through all my my many decisions and have always felt incredible support offered by this community. I make a point each day of attempting to repay that support by passing on the knowedge I myself have gained to others and I continue to learn new things each day. I value this community greatly.

This is the astro borg collective. resistance is futile :)

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I agree totally. It's a great place and I always assume people are friendly until they prove otherwise. hopefully people always assume the same of me. I gladly pass on anything I know and feel others will benefit from. One thing I do try and do though is qualify things I say that I am not 100% sure of as sometimes not doing so might lead to someone spending cash based on said advice.

Thankfully the type you describe seem to be scarce on here.

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Well said Sara. I always think that what goes around, comes around. I think we have all learned a lot from this forum, I certainly know that I have, and so it should be incumbent on us all to help where we can when. for a change, we have the knowledge. Again, well said!

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Great post, the generosity of people here in both knowledge and physical items is amazing and it really makes SGL (and other forms) what they are.

A lot of the time you can help people without even realising, the amount of times I've read threads where people just post what they do in setting up, during imaging, packing away or processing and what seems like an off the cuff comment has helped me by a huge amount.


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Without this forum i'd have probably given up in frustration by now. This pastime (sometimes bordering on obsession :grin: ) has quite a steep lurning curve for a beginner as there is just SO much knowledge to gain, to a point where for me i'll never know it all. Great forum & great friendly people.


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Very True

It's the being able to ask that daft question without feeling intimidated that I most enjoy.

And I should know :grin:

You'll see very few topics without at least one reply.

My thanks added to this post.



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All of my replies go along the lines of read "making every photon count" and I am glad that so many people have found my only bit of astronomical knowledge useful :grin: seriously I have learnt a lot little from many fine people here and it makes me proud to be affiliated to what I consider the nicest forum on the planet.

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Without this forum I'd have made even more loopy decisions than I have already! I think the only thing one can do is to pay back what they get out. Within a short time of being here, you can guarantee there'll be someone less experienced so we're all capable of helping somebody, even if it's just encouragement and support.

Nice thread, thanks for starting it :)

Posted via Tapatalk on an ageing iPhone so please excuse any erroneous spellings or accidental profanities!

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Well said Sara, I agree 100%.

Having been a member here for some time I can honestly say that I can count on the fingers of one hand when I have seen a post that I felt was inappropriate in tone and not in keeping with the overwhelmingly friendly nature of this great resource. It's a pleasure to spend so (too) much time perusing the various threads.

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I joined up late last year, knowing almost nothing but I discovered a very friendly and helpful community of people and have received copious amounts of excellent advice, interspersed with good humour and real love of all things astronomical. I've never been made to feel dim for asking the obvious question and have always had a polite and quick response.

Hopefully as time goes by I will absorb a lot more knowledge and can impart more wisdom - In the meantime, my thanks to all for their continued assistance and patience ;)

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Great thread.

I couldn't agree more, everyone has been very helpful with every question I have asked, saving me lots of time and stress. :smiley:

I must also add that you have also helped me spend lots of cash :laugh:

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I have come across someone who feels inable to impart any information to others when asked about their perceived area of experience. I find that not only very selfish, but also sad. What has happened to that person so that they feel unable to help others? Why would anyone feel so unable to offer advice? On forums for example, it's not difficult to give an idea of how things are done or what can be changed.

well I am only speaking personally but what happened to me was I got bored giving the same answers to the same questions....that might seem selfish bu my time is somewhat limited and for me its gets a bit dull repeating the same info. Folk who have PMd me know I always respond to a request for help but I only have a limited time each day to scn posts and make replies so I limit myself to not answering every question I could give some input to and only answer the ones where I fell I have either a different perspective or better know ( which is rare ).

Way back I always used ro greet any newbies, just dont have the time do that anymore. Its a choice...which has most value...me saying hi or me answering a question. My choice is its more useful to answer a question than to simply say hi.

Astro has also moved down my list of priorities after four months of cloud. Its now just an also ran hobby so accordingly I spend less rime here than I do elsewhere. my main honby interest is elsewhere these days.

I guess what happens to a lot of people is they get bored answering the same questions and move on. Thats the way of things really. You just have to hope that the people they have imparted knowledge also pass it on before they too move on in their turn.

People can burn out, they try to be helpful but they get a kind of carer fatigue/giving fatigue in the end. Seen it on other boards and its a common enough event.

I also imagine some people have problems outside in their life, family, jobs, illness and those things too may make people less disposed to offer up advice.

You can only get what people are williing t o give and should be grateful that so many people are willing to give a little of their time rtaher than be critical of people who have given much and now perhaps cannot be as giving as once they were.

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I've always believed that it is better to give than to take and generally SGL is full of givers which is a pleasure to see :) Having said, that in the last month I've been given a HitecAstro DC focuser for nothing and had another DC focuser repaired at no cost by forum members so maybe I take as well :)

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Mel, the amount of information that you have imparted to the astro community by way of your strip down guides have got to be the most selfless and best example of imparting information that is around. I bet there's hardly an astro type who's tried any kind of work on a SW mount that's not used your guides. Likewise in PM's you've been very helpful and friendly.

I accept that people do kind of burn out after a while, and that they will probably fall more into the shadows and not answer posts, but if they were asked something I bet that they'd reply and help.

I haven't intended this post to come across as critical of those who don't pass on information per se, but when asked I'd like to think that most would help out and find a few minutes to say something.

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I haven't intended this post to come across as critical of those who don't pass on information per se, but when asked I'd like to think that most would help out and find a few minutes to say something.

I don't think it does, in fact quite often replies will point to other posts or mention SGL members who either have the same kit or have had the same issues.

All good and generally saves people a lot of time and effort.

As for the spending money ? Ahhh errr yeah.....that's another topic :smiley:


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Good thread Sara, and whilst i do understand your feelings, it has to be understood that people do tire of repeating themselves when the information is usually available by searching the forum. The great thing about forums like this, is that people do share information freely, and if that information is good, then it gets passed on by everyone that has benefited from it, so it often gets repeated many times. The original poster need not feel the need to keep reposting because others will or have passed on the information. The downside of forums like this is that they can become very addictive and time consuming. Sometimes you don't have the time to answer all the questions where you might help, but usually someone else will step in to help instead.

I have seen on other forums where folks who are regarded as the experts do stop contributing so much due to posting fatigue or maybe just time constraints. They are missed by many, but that is just the nature of things. The information they shared is still there to be found.

Of course, there are selfish folks in life, who discover something that they will not share, because they like to feel that they know something that you don't., or because it gives them some sort of advantage. Thats their perogative and nothing you can do about it.

I don't think that is generally the case on SGL, as I have found it to be a warm and friendly place, and there are folks on here that I consider to be friends even though I have never met them. I feel sorry that you have had a dissapointing experience with someone, but don't let it bother you too much, there may have been reasons for the lack of help.

Then again, if you are not talking about anyone on SGL and they are just being mean, spit in their eye.

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I think the astronomy forums are the way they are because as you know, one session of viewing puts everything into perspective. It's a big place out there and we're so small it's in our interests to help each other.

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My slight irritation when I started this thread was not at all towards people who don't contribute to forums any more due to lack of time, enthusiasm, or they have moved onto other areas of interest, this of course happens. It was more to do with those who are regular posters on forums, who, when asked about something that they do or have are unhelpful towards others.

I think that is quite different.

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As a newbie I can only echo the thanks to all the people on here who help with any problems promptly & without hesitation.

Makes the hobby more enjoyable as well.

I'm starting to help others as well now, maybe only recommending Stellarium & Turn Left at Orion, but also openly sharing my mistakes with others.

My thanks again to everyone, and all the people who run this forum, just brilliant.

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Completely agree, Sara. The SGL forums are a wonderful reservoir of information, experience and advice. Almost all amateur astronomers I come across seem to be patient and willing to explain and to help others ...... just as others helped them in the past. This forum epitomises that culture, so I'm surprised it attracts anyone who doesn't feel that way! There's only one (very well-known) imager I can think of who seems unwilling ever to share his 'secrets', but he's not on this forum.


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Since I joined I've gained a huge amount of help and encouragement from other SGL users for which I'm very grateful. In turn I cannot imagine how I could do anything more positive than returning the kindness as far as time allows. I don't even mind answering the same questions as over time my opinions about some things have changed and my answer may be different. I'm happy to share my passion for astronomy with anyone (sometimes even when they don't want to :) and I think the more people who are interested in science of any kind the better for all of us.

There are forums I have joined relating to other interests where people are deliberately obtuse and unhelpful. I just don't understand this. It puts newcomers off and serves no purpose that I can see other than massaging the egos of those who consider themselves "the elite". It falls short of bullying, but the mindset isn't that dissimilar. People who indulge in such behaviour are bigger losers than they can imagine, IMNSHO.


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