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When do you put your telescope out?


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A) Every night, without fail. Just in case

:) Every time there is a break in the clouds

C) Every time the forecast says it's going to be clear

D) Every time it actually is clear

E) Every time you can manage it; work, family etc permitting

F) Only at weekends (if clear!)

G) Whenever you can be bothered, if it's not too cold

H) You never do because you don't actually own a telescope and have just realised you are on the wrong website and just wanted to check if you'd meet a tall dark stranger this week*

D for me currently. Brand new scope!

*I'm Sagittarius by the way

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I cool the scopes in two stages if its iffy, open the conservatory big doors so its same temp as outside without moving the scopes then out, or straight out if its a no brainer.

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For the first 3 years it was D.

Then I had a year of E.................

followed by a year of G :) ( Life got in the way of everything that year.)

I am pleased to say I am currently back up to E now and can't wait to get out there.

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B for me, with a waterproof cover just incase I forget something is out there.

My 80ED is ready for imaging within 5 minutes. However, my 180 Mak needs 30 mins if imaging (pre cooled). Remember the 6xPs: Poor Planning Produces **** Poor Performance. (excuse my French).

Seriously, pay attention to setup, and everything else follows nicely.

Here endeth....

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E and G for me. I have to admit I've been a bit lazy lately while I wait to finish the observatory. I just need to do a bit more concrete on the pier and fit out the interior. My excuse is its summer (well autumn really) and its not getting dark until late.

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