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  1. I have an adapter here to attach a standard QR base to a camera hotshoe - https://www.thingiverse.com/Jimmyjamjoejoe/designs There are also a couple of arca plate to finder shoe adapters too which other star adventurer users might find useful for finder-guiders etc.
  2. I grabbed one of these - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/263867662245 I couldn't find what I needed so I knocked up a model and 3D printed it, works a treat. Free for anyone who wants it - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3125622
  3. I've managed to pick up a synguider for a crazy price. About to order a 50mm guidescope too, which i believe has the normal skywatcher shoe on it. Anyone know how i go about attaching that to the mount? I dont use a scope, just camera and lens, and was planning on having the guider on the other end of the L-bracket, probably on another ballhead. I cant find any adapters to go from arca to finder shoe...
  4. How do people attach finder guiders when imaging with a dslr and lens? I've seen them sat on a ball head on the other side of the L-bracket. Where can you get an adapter from finder shoe to arca style?
  5. Had my first light the other night. Went well! Lots learned, mistakes were made, but ultimately a positive experience - even finished up taking 180s subs at 200mm with more than acceptable results. The main issue is my lens though - I'm using a fuji x-t1 along with a fuji 55-200mm. Theres no tripod collar so it's tough to balance on the Dec axis. I bought a longer tripod plate which works wonders, but rubs on the lens because it's a fatty - meaning no zooming once the plate is attached. Anyway, the lens uses a motor for focusing, even in manual mode - this is so that it's parfocal. As you zoom, the encoders tell the lens where the elements need to be in order to stay focused where you were etc... also the stars are rubbish, even stopped down to f5.6... only at f8 does it become acceptable Bottom line is that the lens is less than ideal. I'm after a cheap manual lens from ebay or the like... Seems SMC takumars are a favourite, but looks like prices have jumped to over £120 or so for them, if there are any. Can anyone recommend anything around £50? Looking for either 200mm or 300mm. F4 or better preferably, f5.6 if it's fairly decent wide open... I'm not after competition level photos, i can deal with abberations so long as they aren't all up in your face.
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