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There is some good people on this board.


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Guys and Gals,

The other day I received the following PM out of the blue following a post I made on the forum. I'm not going to name the person, as I don't think it's fair, especially as he doesn't (yet) know about this post

I was reading a thread today....your looking for a wired number pad?

I have one you can have....free!!!!

I orderd one from maplins and they sent 2, I rang them up and they insisted they only sent 1 :)

So It didnt cost me anything and I dont want to profit from good fortune......PM me your address and I'll pop it into the post for you.

He wouldn't even accept a payment to cover post and packing !

Whilst I've thanked him for his generosity via PM's I felt compelled to make others aware about the karma that's flowing around the forum. To that person (you know who you are) - Thank you once more

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Same here I got sent a diagonal for free once

It's not just SGL I just think Astronomers in general are very nice folks, thankfully the hobby seems to attract that kind of person

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Nice! :)

did offer a brand new collimator free, was given to me for nothing but had no need for it, after speaking with the guy who gave me it he said to offer it on the forum, was gratefully accepted.

could do with a free 20" dob :)

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Yep! I've had a number of instances of really quite amazing generosity, as well as incredible trust from the members here. For example, I purchased an item for approx. £120 and the seller sent it to me immediately, without accepting payment. They insisted I didn't pay them until after my pay day! I've got to be honest, I'm not sure I'm capable of that level of trust with what is essentially a total stranger across the internet.

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I only joined SGL earlier this year.

I had one member offer his help choosing equipment via PM. Once I had it he offered and I accepted, for me to come to his to let him help me get familiar with the kit. I learnt so much in one night and could never repay him for the time he spent. Him and his wife are now great friends of ours. Our wives even go shopping together now, never a good thing :)

You know who you are and would be mortified if I named him. But really. Thank you. :)



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I agree. Members have offered to send me books for free, one member sent me some ronchi gratings and all my purchases have been flawless - unlike EBay etc.

One day I'm looking forward to being able to help someone in a similar manner.

Don't forget the free advice, technical support and ... sounds like a gushing Oscar speech. I'll get my coat....

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Thats a great show of comradeship.

Im still wondering what todo with the 161 million euro's I won, Im thinking of a community observatory in Arizona with all the latest toy's, I'll also we laying on a private jet for free to anyone who wants to use it......watch this space :)

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I met some really good people from this forum for the first time at SGL6, so I'm looking forward to SGL7.

If anyone has ordered a Paramount ME with a 16 inch plane wave and has been sent 2 by mistake, please feel free to PM me :)

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Ive been in to many hobbies and sports and i have been a member of many forums and i have to say i have never come across a nicer bunch of people as on here! It seems everyone is always willing to give help/advice and pass on there experience, being new to the game ive posted many questions some that on other furums for other hobbies would of got ignored or joked at yet on here regardless of how silly the question maybe everyone is keen to help, so many thanks to eveyone whos helped me along the way and that are still passing in advice! All in all this forum has a great community, the best ive been a member of!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!


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