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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. As large as I can get it on my phone, every area is unbelievable! Incredible work! I feel like I should at least say WOW once!
  2. Excellent! Watched that just a few days ago! Dock that astronomer a days pay for complaining about the heat! At my house we are behind on rain, ahead on the hear. High heat advisory usually from 10am till 5pm. Took a quick peek at Sol yesterday, felt like I had been in the shower!
  3. On break at work and saw a post about this Asteriod. Anyone else seen anything on it. It approached in the Sun's glare and was not seen until it had passed. It passed between us and the Moon. 200' wide. The telescope in South Africa that searches for NEO's spotted it after it had gone by.
  4. Originally my idea was to use the corrugated vinyl panels for the observatory roof. I realized immediately that was a mistake because of how unbelievably hot it got inside. On a sunny day, easily 115°F! So, I put 2 inches of foam insulation under the panels. Cooled this right down. After time, the reflected heat, baked the vinyl to a crisp! I lucked out and remembered my daughter had some left over 24 gauge galvalume roof panels left over from her reroofing. Finished changing them yesterday. To reflect the heat I painted the metal white. Did add a lot of weight to what had been a light, easy to open by hand roof.
  5. Those are so amazing! Does this activity die down during the minimum period?
  6. I'm off the next four days so I'll have to look as often as I can. Shows what I don't know. What makes 3361 have the extra energy? I would have thought 3363 being so large it would have been the one to watch for action. Is it the area of 3361 has separation and the energy can arc between the spots?
  7. You kids are getting too spoiled! I would be walking around going "yep, I took that" with either of those images!
  8. Once again, seeing here on the forum a new large spot was showing I got out. The clouds are scattered, making looking through breaks necessary. There are a couple more I could see visually but not on the image and one that is that isn't numbered on the SOHO image. I wonder if this one will continue to grow?
  9. Thanks for posting it. The way it grew really makes you realize the power involved. I also liked the way as it disappeared around the limb, you could easily recognize that it going around a sphere!
  10. Excellent seeing it like this, as a crescent! Well done on the imaging and processing!
  11. Excellent images, both Jupiter and Saturn. The way the rings are becoming near flat is amazing.
  12. So, the huge spot that was recently visible with just your eyes, only took 48 hours to get that huge! That's amazing! It surprised me that after it went around out of sight, there were only a few small spots visible. Though it's been very hot here lately, I've been peeking at Sol every chance I can get.
  13. Just a single image with my Canon. Visually it was much better. I realized I must do something with the plywood floor in area 51. I had cheap croc type shoes on and was forced to dance! We are dealing with mid to high 90°'s, the heat index going close to 110°f! Really makes that narrow opening witha real dome seem very appealing!
  14. Wonderful image! I have a question. What is your scope covered with and what is the purpose?
  15. It didn't bother me at all. I found a perfect alternative! I went out in the 110°f heat and stood there staring up at the sun! All joking aside, THANK YOU to the wonderful people that keep this site operating. That includes the monitors, who I know are really from the dark side of the force!😄
  16. Lately I've been a little lazy. Worked on area 51 more than I have used it, but for an hour I looked at the two closest giants. Saturn was first, being it was high in the sky. Viewing wasn't great but not terrible. Could make out one moon and a little banding on the planet. What amazed me the most was the way the ring is really starting to get closer to edge on! Jupiter finally cleared the tree tops, but was extremely bright so low in the Eastern sky. Just some faint banding visible and only 3 of the closest moons. A good hour after not viewing for a while. Even saw a good fast meteor that for a moment left the dusty trail of sparks as it disappeared for ever.
  17. It always seems the days I work the sky is incredible. Very clear, good seeing! At 3:30 the longer I let my eyes adjust, the more of the milkyway appeared. It ran from cassieopia over to scorpio. Jupiter just beginning to rise, and before I went back in a quick meteor beneath the Great Square of Pegasus! But alas, work was calling!
  18. Mecca! I'd think not so much what you see now, but what you feel. Me, it would have to be Italy and Galileo's stomping ground! If I could not see a single star, I would still stand there wondering how it had to feel to know what you saw, and what you knew must be, only to be prosecuted so terribly!
  19. I am amazed that the first time anyone here posted a heads up, I was able to view and image it! Never seems to work out now with my 3 day work schedule! Oh yeah, 16:50, it's still omg daylight!😆
  20. Having recently seen NEO being spotted a few hours in advance of entering the atmosphere, along with very good prediction at where it would enter it, my question would be if one was seen coming two hours away, would the public be informed? Either way, one impacting a large city, or releasing mega tons of energy just above ground would be devastating. The panic would end up with the highways overwhelmed with traffic, making it possibly worse than keeping quiet an the picking up the pieces.
  21. Excellent! The image that shows no SN, then does show it is really eye opening! Just seeing the amount of visible light makes it really apparent how large of an area this would have affected!
  22. Seems to be a lot of this on FB market place around me.
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