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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Yep, '50's! That was the decade I was born in! 😁
  2. This could fit in with the old joke amongst the country men over here. The wife said if I don't stop buying fishing equipment and guns she's going to leave me. I sure will miss her cooking.
  3. Amazing example of POWER! Thanks for your work to share it.
  4. Another welcome to the forum. You might be surprised how much you enjoy it too! This hobby is quite habit forming.
  5. Excellent! The first image shows Sol is getting active after the minimum!
  6. The sky was fair after yesterday's really intense thunderstorm to my East. I stood just looking at the sky for a bit, then took some single images of a scorpion crawling out of a river of milk. At 30 sec exposure the stars stretched a little, but it brought the milkyway out better.
  7. I've been following a group from Boca Chica about the launch. Seeing the images many took from boats and local beach, I can't help but wonder with all that fuel, what would have been the range for a RUD on the pad? There were some viewers who went to the Mexican side of the river that if I read correctly were only 2.8 miles away. Good for taking images, bad for shock wave and debris!
  8. I've never worried much in the dark. Growing up in the country there were not many night lights, and we also camped a lot. I worry more when I'm in the Gulf or the Ocean. I've watched Jaws way to many times! "We're going to need a bigger boat!"
  9. I'm jealous as well! Only thing I have ever seen was just a very faint tint of red you had to question if you were really seeing it. But then I am in Florida.
  10. Looks very good. I used blocks the other way, then poured solid with rebar. Only problem is I need to be one block higher.
  11. Well done! That would have to be another page in the album!
  12. Excellent! That is another target that most people would look up at and have no idea just how beautiful it really is!
  13. I know the words incredible and amazing have been used, but, those images are. When you can see the power of Sol up close like this it's almost frightening!
  14. Have to build up to have a pit. Water table is probably 1' below the surface. We just love building things over here on the coast. Space ports, large cities. We don't mind even being a little below sea level. Makes it easier to launch your boat.
  15. Although everyone hoped it would be a complete success, I believe everyone knew it would end up at RUD! His comment, as long as it doesn't destroy the pad, clearly shows he wants to get the next one out there with things fixed from this lesson. Like @stu said, E. Musk's way of thinking has not just NASA, but all of the subcontractors wringing their hands and wiping sweat from their foreheads. When this monster reaches orbit, Boeing and the other big names from the past just might be finished in the space race. Saving as much from every launch that can be saved, right down to catching the nose cone fairings in a net mounted on a ship, to thinking of methane possibly being harvested on other planets to refuel the space craft, we are looking at the future. Somewhere in the past, I bet someone made the comment, you might land something in microgravity, but land it back on Earth is impossible! That's what oceans are for!
  16. I think of "progress", then in my mind compare, automobiles, aircraft and space flight. Model T to today's cars with all the abilities computers and AI are bringing. The Wright Brothers flying what, a little over a minute. To the Concord breaking the speed of sound. 70 years, we've been to the Moon, have space craft out of the solar system, been up close to most of the planets, and even have people living on the ISS. And I believe we might be right at that time when changes start to happen much faster. Where does Elon claim to be from?🤔
  17. Out this morning at 4:30 am under incredible skies. In about an hour I saw 5 Lyrids in different areas of the sky, but all pointing back to Lyra. Just as I got up to go back in I saw a sporadic that was the best! Hopefully the sky will be good tonight and I'll set up the camera.
  18. I still have faith. An endeavor of this magnitude is something incredible. I read earlier that E. Musk had said he would be happy as long as it didn't blow up on the pad, destroying it too. Does this leave the Saturn V as the only launch vehicle with no launch failure?
  19. Definitely! The small town I live in is still very quiet at night. Being next door to a fire station I get the occasional sound of them going on a call. Mostly what noises I do hear are barn owls talking to each other and with there being a few circus families nearby, the sounds of lions roaring. Even with all the growth happening, I consider myself very lucky living in what I call the country.
  20. Walked out this morning to see an amazingly clear sky. Being another work day, I only had a few minutes just to stare at the sky. Scorpio really stood out above the trees. The milkyway was faint, but would have imaged nicely. Then from the NNE a really fast meteor headed directly at Scorpio. Had me wanting to stay home!
  21. I'm glad I didn't call out from work. I had the feeling it wouldn't go the first time. Turned out that about 10 people did call out, but not for the launch!😁
  22. I thought 4 minutes seemed, impossible. With radar makes more sense. With the way I picture Maine and Canada in my mind, heavily forested, might make searching difficult. I wonder if there are still areas with any snow cover that would help?
  23. I had heard that it was a spectacular fireball. Visible for almost 4 minutes in daylight. Even tracked with radar. Now I see there are offers of $25K for anyone who finds a piece that weighs kilo. They also said they would probably buy any pieces.
  24. From what I just read, it will launch from Texas, the booster "splashing down" in the Gulf of Mexico then the Starship will make only a partial way around, landing in the Pacific. Of course, I'm scheduled to work. What's the chance it will go off on the first attempt. Is it worth getting a point for taking an unscheduled day off?
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