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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Had to buy another voltage tester. Tested voltage, 13.49 coming from battery. Double checked all the connections, then checked them again. Made certain positive and negative connected correctly. Crossed my fingers, lifted my eyes to the heavens above, flipped the switch! OH YEAH!!! I'm up and running again! Must have been a ghost! Forgot to add, thanks for all the information you gave me!
  2. Excellent image and write up, as always!
  3. Checked online and found out my mount has a two year warranty! Either way it turns out I should be covered. Where's that emoji with fingers crossed?
  4. The mount is new, just over a year old. Never been wet, in the observatory all the time. Just a bit dusty. Running off a 12v car battery that is connected to a trickle charger full time hooked directly to electric. Always worked perfect. Switched it on, it started the handset routine like usual, then up came the reading of no response both axis. I hope just the handset wiring. It has slipped off the pier a couple times when I bumped it. All the other info on the handset comes along lime normal. Only the handset has ever been connected to it.
  5. Searched some older posts, saw that it could be a wiring issue with the handset. I'll check that out first.
  6. Went out to use it, turned it on and the hand set displayed no response both axis. This is my first mount, first problems.
  7. Excellent work! Most people would think the only way you could see Mars would be with the help of NASA! Little do they realize what a dedicated person with a telescope can do!
  8. I'm sitting in the car, waiting to go to work and am parked looking West. The moon is almost full and brilliant in a very black sky. With it being so bright through the eyepiece when it's large like this, sometimes I just prefer to look at a full moon naked eye, and enjoy it's beauty!
  9. Mag 18, that is going to take more glass than my 8"! But yes, I'm anxiously waiting!
  10. Had over 200 looks at my offer, but no takers yet. It's not your usual rod and reel. Maybe I shouldn't have said you'll need a bigger boat! 😄
  11. Well done. I had to turn my Canon to get the to fit. The night before would have been much better for me, but!😒
  12. Last night's conjunction. I wish it was better, but at least I got a few images before they got separated and wouldn't fit on the camera. The night before was even closer, but I waited till they were to low to get them from the observatory.
  13. I've had the HA fever now and it's only grew worse as Sol grows more active. But a Lunt was out of the question for a while. Decided to put my big shark pole up for sale on Facebook and now have started getting some responses! It would get me between 50% or 75% there, and I'll never use it other than a display on the wall. I feel like Capt. Barbosa! Gents, my hope is restored!
  14. Mine was recent, and fortunately minor. Wondering what the tremendous crash was, only to find the rolloff roof for Area 51 laying in my broccoli! I had that thought,"Mama said, stupid is what stupid does!" Or would "I'm not a smart man!" Be better?
  15. Thanks for the images! Would really love to see some really strong active Arora, but to get it this far South would mean big trouble!
  16. I think it must be something in the air, or sunlight. I'm struggling with the same problem. And it doesn't help seeing all the incredible HA images posted by other members!
  17. The wind finally subsided enough I asked SWMBO to give me a hand with my roll off roof. We got it back on with very little effort. I don't think it weighed 100 lbs. And much to my relief, not a single mention of "if you don't take better care of your toys, I'm not going to let you play with them!"
  18. Amazing! The bright areas shining through the dust cloud makes me think some huge spacecraft will be coming any moment!
  19. Excellent! Seeing the Earth next to the largest is a little scary!
  20. The work I've done using aluminum flashing makes me think it would work depending on its thickness. .024 or .032 would be flexible enough to easily form to the shape of the mirror. It would not be much wider than double the mirror thickness. I think once you had it around the mirror, several wraps with what we call duct tape would keep its circular shape.
  21. That would have to be exciting! I would say that's why they are all smiling. Like in my farming days when we would hunt for Indian artifacts after a hard rain, and find something.
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