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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Great image. I was out for an hour and never turned away from the Moon. Jupiter was quite brilliant, but the Moon had me captivated.
  2. Wonderful image! It was beautiful this morning, except for the Fla heat. From the shadows I was out a bit before you.
  3. Just walked out to feed the chickens, before going to work. It's the mid 80's°F and very humid, high thin clouds ruining the sky. There is a conjunction of Luna and Jupiter that is only separated by less than my pinky finger tip! The terminator pointing directly down to Jupiter, below to the right!
  4. Before I ask my question, if the moderators want to move this somewhere they deem better, it's okay. Lately I've watched shows on the astronomy they did. Granted, the shows were mostly by the ancient alien theorists. But I can filter out the nonsense, and pick up a few things. So, to my question. You don't have a computer, or calculator. You didn't have a series of professors or their books to rely on. All you have is someone scratching your ideas in a wet clay tablet, or chiseling on a stone. You are sitting there, looking up into a sky that has only seen light pollution from camp fires. How long are you going to have to sit there watching it all, to start getting the things worked out? Have to take at least a year, to get a year figured out. But for them to calculate eclipses, and the other things they put in their stone records. Their math puts me to shame! Was it hundreds or many hundreds of years? Share your thoughts.
  5. I do like the GIF and the way the moon peeks out from behind Jupiter! Well done!
  6. That's a good one! I also noticed you caught one of Mr. Musk's starlink defense satellites streaking in from the left to destroy it! Now we know the real reason for those thousands of satellites he is putting in orbit!🤣
  7. So, how about a question on this subject that seems to have been avoided. Have you personally or have you ever spoken with someone who HAS, seen something you cant explain? I have to say yes on both accounts. I have seen lights in the sky I had no idea what they might be. I've seen rockets up close and across the state. Seen lots of aircraft during the day and night. I have never seen anything like the lights I saw. Also spoke with a professional airline pilot who had seen something twice, who would only say, it wasn't us. All I can admit is, both cases were just UAP. I'm waiting to finally see Bigfoot. 🤔
  8. I've been watching a few so called documentaries, most which have me laughing at some of the obvious stupid things they show. One investigator got so frightened seeing a light rapidly approaching him, HE DROPPED HIS CAMERA AND RAN! I had a thought when looking at one of the members images of the Hercules area that showed an amazing number of distant galaxies. One of our lotto games is 1.25 billion dollars right now, with odds of winning 1 in 300 million. Take the billions of galaxies, then the incredible number of stars in them. Say only 1/10th have planets, and of those only 1/1,000,000th are capable of supporting life. If we are the only life in the entire universe, the 6 billion people on Earth have really won the lotto!😁
  9. They possibly will! Why someone would want to experience this madness here, just to see what there is amazing to see I don't understand. You never know, an advanced alien race might enjoy a good comedy routine. My point was, it wouldn't make much sense to confront someone that just came from who knows where, with a projectile weapon!
  10. It is definitely something amazing, even if it only reminds us occasionally, I'm still here!
  11. The first letter says it all. U Unidentified. I really want to believe there are other life forms out there. And that they have advanced enough to solve the distance/time problem that leaves us lowly humans scratching our heads. I like the scene in K-Pax where he demonstrates "light travel!" You didn't go anywhere! I'm already back. Around here, we call that the fastest gun in the west trick. I'm not from around here! Sadly when it comes to human authority figures, I am a conspiracy believing fool. The one thing I know for absolute certainty is when one lands in my yard, I won't be taking a gun out to greet them!
  12. A supplier, Highpoint Scientific is running a 10% off sale on its ZWO cameras. Has me scratching my head now, considering a camera to get away from my Canon. The ASI224 MC Color is costing $179.00. For planetary with my 8" fl1000, would that be a decent choice?
  13. Seeing an image like that of such splendor and beauty makes my head spin! I can only image what it would be like being much closer so you looked up into the heavens and saw that with your eyes!
  14. It would be nice if it was just a bit cool at 4:30am! Lately been in the low 80's° F. And very humid.
  15. That is amazing. I can only dream of being that talented!
  16. As large as I can get it on my phone, every area is unbelievable! Incredible work! I feel like I should at least say WOW once!
  17. Excellent! Watched that just a few days ago! Dock that astronomer a days pay for complaining about the heat! At my house we are behind on rain, ahead on the hear. High heat advisory usually from 10am till 5pm. Took a quick peek at Sol yesterday, felt like I had been in the shower!
  18. On break at work and saw a post about this Asteriod. Anyone else seen anything on it. It approached in the Sun's glare and was not seen until it had passed. It passed between us and the Moon. 200' wide. The telescope in South Africa that searches for NEO's spotted it after it had gone by.
  19. Originally my idea was to use the corrugated vinyl panels for the observatory roof. I realized immediately that was a mistake because of how unbelievably hot it got inside. On a sunny day, easily 115°F! So, I put 2 inches of foam insulation under the panels. Cooled this right down. After time, the reflected heat, baked the vinyl to a crisp! I lucked out and remembered my daughter had some left over 24 gauge galvalume roof panels left over from her reroofing. Finished changing them yesterday. To reflect the heat I painted the metal white. Did add a lot of weight to what had been a light, easy to open by hand roof.
  20. Those are so amazing! Does this activity die down during the minimum period?
  21. I'm off the next four days so I'll have to look as often as I can. Shows what I don't know. What makes 3361 have the extra energy? I would have thought 3363 being so large it would have been the one to watch for action. Is it the area of 3361 has separation and the energy can arc between the spots?
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