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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Very good seeing early on Sunday morning, was imaging by 06.30 in white light with the 200mm aperture filter on my C9.25. It was clear immediately that the conditions were better than i had experienced for months. Good details visible in the Penumbra and also surface granulation on the capture screen. Nice to once again manage some high resolution detail with the large aperture. all the images are presented mono and with Pseudo colour. C9.25, 200mm homemade filter, Asi174mm, Continuum filter, X3 Barlow, 60 second captures.
  2. I didn't even bother taking the Solar gear to work today, teabreak is at 10, probably already 80+ degrees!
  3. Another couple of decent ARs rotating around as well.
  4. Excellently captured, you have got the hang of Solar imaging very quickly.
  5. Superb set of images, plenty going on at the moment.
  6. It certainly was very stable early on, don't suppose it lasted very long.
  7. Excellent, love the switching between the wavelengths
  8. +1 for using the green filter as well, it comes fairly close to a Continuum filter
  9. Certainly looks good, some nice detail visible there.
  10. Very impressive, quickly disappeared out of the view when i watched it on GONG.
  11. The Saturn images are particularly stunning, very well captured for Jupiter as well.
  12. this certainly seems to be the case, but that is also obviously when the sun is going to be quite low in altitude which isnt ideal. I think the Jetstream being way north of the UK must have helped as well.
  13. Don't what the rest of the country is like, but wow its stable out there this morning!
  14. Very nice start with the wedge, what camera were you using?
  15. Inspired by your recent efforts Neil, i made the effort this morning at 02.30. The seeing seemed reasonable i guess, for low altitude targets. The files are "cooking" in AS3 as i type, first thoughts......nothing to shout about 🙂 Good to be back out there though.
  16. Its tough down at below 20 degrees. The seeing for me is always somewhere between awful and reasonable, for planetary and Solar imaging. If i think about the last 5 years, there has not been many times when i have popped the camera in and thought wow! But if you if you told me in 2009 i would be producing pretty decent images of the planets and close ups of Sunspots, i would have well impressed to be honest.
  17. Still pretty low then, should get better as the season progresses
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