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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Very nicely captured, good to see the solar system in action.
  2. Well done to everyone who managed to capture these wonderful clouds, not easy this year in my opinion despite the reports of plenty of activity. 1st year in ages that i have not managed one single decent view .
  3. I still live in the same house, the bedroom that i observed Halley from is my "man cave" at the moment. I still think of Halley occasionally when in there. Like you say "not the best showing", but a to see an object that has been depicted through man's modern history was still very special. I also remember Astronomy magazine reporting mount Palomar had imaged it , quite a few years earlier.
  4. How special to have your notes from back then, such a privilege to witness this object that has been recorded for so long. That was fun typing in December 1985, i have no surviving records of the event unfortunately. I do remember spending quite few nights scan Aquarius, around the "Water Jar" asterism looking for Halley. And there it is in Stellarium, whizzing past in late Nov-early Dec, thank you for bringing back that special memory 😀
  5. you can only hope it might make councils and large business think about the cost of lighting up carparks and buildings all night
  6. My guess would be Starlink, the satellites are tightly grouped together initially Watch SpaceX launch 51 Starlink satellites and a space tug Sunday night (msn.com)
  7. A fine pair of images Reggie, you can certainly see the Seeliger effect on Saturn's ring system.
  8. Excellent images. The GRS does look noticeably smaller again this year, looking forward to imaging it and comparing it too some older images.
  9. Looks like some decent conditions for the planets while i was in Weymouth. A fine level of detail visible there Neil, always interesting to see the difference between images when viewing an animation.
  10. I have used a heater on the rare occasions that my Dew heater has either not been on high enough or i have forgot to plug it in. Not sure i would want the hassle of doing it regular, as you have to wait for the turbulence created to subside. Do you use any sort of Dew shield? Even a home made will help
  11. Very simple Mobile phone capture of the Moon rising over Portland Bill Harbour. Looked beautiful rising through the "belt of Venus". Wish i had brought my ED80 or 300m lens for a close view. Captured with a Samsung S9 mobile phone
  12. Very simple single frame capture of the Moor rising over Weymouth bay.. Captured with a Canon 750d and 18-135 lens
  13. The view from my hotel window in Weymouth for the last 10 days. I wish the light had not been there 🙂 great view nonetheless. Venus just visible in the golden Sunrise over the Dorset hills @ 4.35am. Simple single capture with Canon 750d and 18-135 lens
  14. Very simple Mobile phone capture of the Moon rising over Portland Bill Harbour. Looked beautiful rising through the "belt of Venus". Wish i had brought my ED80 or 300m lens for a close view. Captured with a Samsung S9 mobile phone
  15. Simply better resolution, more work definitely though.
  16. Still plenty to see, despite the conditions
  17. Very nicely captured Michael , a bit quite in white light at the moment. H/A still plenty of action
  18. A fine set of Solar images
  19. Both good looking images, the 2nd as you say slightly sharper. I wish I had my C9.25' in Weymouth, Jupiter is right over the sea, got to be a good thing surely........ 🙂
  20. Very nice image. It is certainly possible to pick up the lighter polar region, I have managed on one occasion myself. Is the orientation of your image definitely the same as the winjupos image? I asked because if you can expose a couple of moons, you can definitely be sure on the orientation of the image and position of polar region. How many frames did you capture?
  21. Considering the arc size, some very nice details visible
  22. Very nicely captured, well done on the reprocessing
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