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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. A fine early season Saturn image Neil
  2. A fantastic set of images, marvellous to see so many filaments around as well.
  3. Very nicely captured, some excellent details in the close ups
  4. Great effort to capturing Jupiter at the moment Neil. A good reward for your efforts, as you said much better to come later this year
  5. Very nicely captured, i have found a spot in the garden that lets me image at the moment at around 6.30am. Does seem to be the best time of the day, before everything warms up
  6. Terrific set of images, the filament is a beauty!!!
  7. Very nicely captured Steve, that region certainly did grow very quickly.
  8. Very nice pair of images, the top is particularly good. Some very fine Granulation showing detail in the AR.
  9. Very nice, some very good detail on the close ups.
  10. Good to see the set up and the action through it Steve.
  11. Very nicely captured and very well presented images. Lovely details visible in the images and the framing with info sets them off very well. How were the frames and Info added Hugh?
  12. I couldn't help having a close look, very respectable images as always Steve
  13. A fine set of images, the inverted images have a lovely 3D feel to them.
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