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Everything posted by MarsG76

  1. Even with the obstacles, you ended with a fine image.
  2. How cool... now if you can actually image the landing site equipment, that would be awesome.
  3. Hello Astronomers, After a long time I finally had a chance to do some good fashioned observing and I noticed something that is VERY surprising.... I spent most of the time observing Jupiter than Saturn, trying to pick-out as much details as possible... I was observing them through my 14" Skywatcher with a Televue 11mm Nagler Type 6 eyepiece and 2X Powermate.. the views were great and detailed, fine detail in Jupiter, the GRS as clear as the nose on my face and a shadow of Io on the NEB.. but this is not what this post is about.... During Saturn observation I replaced the 2X PM with the Celestron 2X Barlow out of curiosity, the Ultima version, and to my surprise even at the same magnification the Barlow showed more detail.?!?!?!?!.. it was only a slight improvement but a visible improvement nonetheless .. I always thought that TV was the premium equipment but the Celestron barlow had the edge on clarity, stability and details.... Did anyone experience this?
  4. Have a good night Doug, I had a observing session the other night after not observing for AGES and loved every minute....
  5. Might be old school but lots of people claim to do it like that... even Greg Quicke (AKA Space Gandalf) claimed to do this on Stargazing Live... I use a DSLR without mirror lockup on a CGEM and have never had shake caused by it... Personally I'd say that the single arm evo mount isn't as stable as needs to be, but works for you in silent mode... so the "19th century" method isn't necessary.
  6. Another alternative is to cover the front of your scope... hit the shutter button, give enough time for shake to stop and uncover the front of the scope.... obviously without touching the scope.
  7. I think your original has the edge.... they're all great and very similar, but the original has something about it.
  8. Great scope.. I can only imagine the views you get through it.... do you see any hint of color in the Orion Nebula through that 20" monster?
  9. Personally I'd get the baader solar film sheets and be replacing the film on the filter...
  10. Great stuff.. hope you enjoy your views... Clear skies.
  11. Well spotted... Not often we get supernova catches on nicely exposed and processed images..... They're usually grainy black & white images... nice one.
  12. I don't know if the local low atmospheric pressure will help much.
  13. Very good for the location.. I find that the the atmospheric conditions down here are not playing ball either...
  14. Nothing wrong with that... you never know what you end up with.
  15. Comparing Tamron to a Canon is not really a contest...
  16. After all those mistakes you end up with a beautiful image of the eagle.
  17. Agree to both statements, try it on the moon first.. do no risk it with looking at the sun until you are 100% certain that its safe and fully functional as a solar blocker.... If it happens to be a filter like a "Solar Continuum" filter and that all you use than it would be the last thing you'll see with that eye.
  18. Nice work.. looks nice and tidy.
  19. Of course they're not going to give permission for RF emitting devices.... there is always a exclusion zone.... down under it's a kilometer radius from the dishes and even at that distance a drone with a decent zoom lens will get good shots.... any close ups will be from the ground with a DSLR. Of course one can risk flying closer and most likely nothing will happen BUT I find that in a lot of cases having a chat to the director and offering shots to them free to use how they want does wonders for a blind eye, than there is always the "a permit is $X" situation... and I found that that applies to a disproportionately lot of places. And if it's too close to a airport, in restricted air space, or really a nuisance or hassle or an area doesn't want to agree/give permits, doesn't matter.. it's not like I HAVE to get the shot.... its just fun... no one should be flying those things in a way just to give the gumment another excuse to tighten the regulations.
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