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Everything posted by MarsG76

  1. Very nice.. I love DSLR astroimages.
  2. I recommend the Celestron Ultima 2X.. that is one of the best (if not the best) barlows that I have... its great visually and for planetary imaging if you go that way later.
  3. Great image.. I can't believe that this is your first DSO... awesome.
  4. Space? how big is it? It's to go on top of a 8" SCT...
  5. Welcome to SGL and Astronomy... I think that if you got a 8" telescope, whether a Dobsonian or a SCT, you will see some amazing views and that telescope will serve you for a very long time....
  6. Great sight to be lucky enough to see...
  7. Great detail in that Saturn... well done.
  8. That is so cool.. wish I could see it in person.
  9. Hello all, Between a Celestron StarPointer Pro and a Telrad, if there are any users of each, what are the pro's and Con's of each and which one do you recommend?
  10. If you're looking at jumping from 6.9mm to 5mm, I'd say get an eyepiece unless you have a high quality 10mm eyepiece, at which case I'd say get a good 2X barlow like a Celestron Ultima.
  11. I don't see why not.. as long as you have a low power wide FOV, it'll be just as good.
  12. Awesome Charl.. keep hunting and keep'em comin.
  13. Absolutely.... and the details just pop into focus when is a steady atmosphere and you're focusing electronically and slowly.
  14. Very good start... better than my first results... keep imaging and honing your skills.
  15. In my 14" scope, during a exceptionally clear night, I did have the moon as tiny but solid discs... this was at 470X magnification.
  16. Now thats a lotta starszah...
  17. Awesome image and detail.... do you use a OAG for autoguiding?
  18. Nice report.. 2 hours is a good time observing.
  19. Cool... when will a Jupiter-Moon Occultation happen.. now that would be a great telescopic sight.
  20. Oh, and it's good for observing nebulae.... the contrast is increased and makes the nebula pop out.. this filter will help you see fine structure and detail on many nebulae.... down here my favourite nebula in the eyepiece is the Carina, without the filter you can see nebulosity but with this filter the view is almost like a mono photography... it's amazing how much difference a UHC filter makes.
  21. Looks like UHC judging by the spectral graph...
  22. Fantastic image... I was out observing Saturn with my 14" dob during the night of opposition and noticed the brighter rings in the FOV.... awesome sight... I did't image because I was exposing on a seyfert galaxy during the previous and that night and didn't want to change the setup.. but fantastic had views etched into my memory.
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