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Everything posted by MarsG76

  1. These models look awesome... I'm itching to get my self a 3D printer and join in the fun...
  2. Hope that you work it out.. OAG imaging open another level of imaging.
  3. I have not tried Lumicons OIII, but I do have the UHC filter and the filters from Lumicon are very good... I'd say you can be confident that it will be of great quality.
  4. This site looks good.... https://telescopius.com/ I use star walk app on my iPhone and there is shows you whats visible at any time depending on what part of the world you have it set to..
  5. to add to above... I recommend setting the focus in the DSLR and searching for focus in the OAG camera during day time.. that will give you a good indicator of where the OAG focus is.
  6. I think you need to shorten the distance.. I've had focus issues with my guide CCDs in the beginning and it was the distance of the camera in the OAG...
  7. Very helpful post to avoid any misconceptions from new comers... this really is a hobby where you need to really be patient and love astronomy to keep coming back for more.
  8. Thanks... I'd still like to get a sharper image... but I just have to keep being out there when ever I can.... and yes, the solar system is amazing.
  9. One thing for sure is that when I image NB, I need to expose for longer than mono CCD imagers to get similar SNR.
  10. Do it... it'll be very interesting to see your results...
  11. I'd love to see the finished rocket....
  12. Hello Mark and welcome to SGL.
  13. I agree with the posts... red is simply a color to which our eyes are not sensitive enough... I did read about some amateurs that reported seeing pale pink hues in the Orion Nebula when using 30" mirrors...
  14. This one I took on 25 June at a lower focal length...
  15. Hello Astronomers, After imaging quite a detailed image (for using an 8" SCT) of Jupiter last year, I was hoping to match or exceed it this year, but I can't quite get that atmospheric condition which will allow me to capture those fine structures. Attached is my best Jupiter this year... I would have thought I'd get more detail since Jupiter passes overhead near zenith... I guess I just have to keep trying and hope for that super still night. Clear Skies, MG
  16. From the album: Deep Sky Astrophotography

    I was going through some of my old subs, looking at which subs I have processed and finished with to delete as I'm starting to fill up all of my HDDs. I came across the subs for this beauty that I exposed during March & April 2018. This image of The Statue of Liberty & Giant Molecular Cloud was imaged in narrowband (SII, HII & OIII) using a full spectrum modded Canon 40D DSLR through a 8" SCT @ f6.3 (1280mm focal length). This image consists of two nebulae in the line of sight, NGC3603 and NGC 3576, also known as "The Statue of Liberty" nebula. NGC 3576 (also known as Gum38 and The "Statue of Liberty nebula"), the nebula on the right, is a giant Halpha region in the constellation of Carina resembling the shape of the famous statue in New York, and is about 9,000 light years from Earth. Shows shredded clouds torn apart by nearby X-Ray source winds. The nebula on the left is NGC 3603. The Hubble Space Telescope presents it showing that it contains one of the most massive young clusters in the Milky Way. It is further away from Earth than NGC 3576 at an estimated distance of 20,000 light years, they are separated by more than 11,000 light years even though they look like close neighbors in the image above.

    © Mariusz Goralski

  17. I would have said the same even with mono, but here we are...
  18. Thats phenomenal for only 90 seconds total exposure....
  19. What is your location? You latitude will determine what DSOs will be available to you. But if you see orion nebula than I assume that sagittarius and Scorpius will be available to you. Try M20 (the trifid), m8 swan, m17 lagoon, m16 eagle, m4 & m80 globulars and m6 & m7 open clusters. Those objects are in Sagittarius and Scorpius and near each other in the sky.
  20. Jupiter is one of those planets that needs optimal seeing to resolve maximum details. It can be dissapointing when the seeing is poor but it can also be amazing during the best moments. As mentioned above, having jupiter low on the sky will hinder what younsee, but ultimately you might just have to view jupiter an number of times until you are at the right time when the atmosphere is very still... Than you will see a amazing sight.
  21. Another filter i use is the baader contrast booster stacked with the neodymium filter... Those two together really do improve the view... The color is slightly altered but that because the neodymium filter attempt to block orange skyglow.
  22. Neither really... The moon filter dims the image but it will turn it green, a true neutral density filter only dims then image but doesn't ange the color. The neodymium filter is very useful form picking out the fine detail on, for example, Jupiter... I love this filter when observing planets...
  23. That is so true... So much space so little time....
  24. I guess everyone has a thing that ticks them off... mine was in the new Gross Tyson version of Cosmos.... from about episode 2 he was whinging and carryin on about climate change and the world burning and all that... I'm so sick of hearing about it, it lost me about 2 eps after that... That guy destroyed the memory of the masterpiece that Carl Sagan hosted by the same name... but definitely not the same program... I dug out my DVD with the original Cosmos and enjoyed that for the next few nights instead.... That was the moment that started the end of me being a NDGT fan... and eventually stopped listening to star talk radio and now don't even watch anything with him except for memes.... All I heard was him "pretend" jokingly flirt with the female guests and I started to think "I wonder when a accusation will be put against him.." I guess it is in fashion.. and soon enough the answer came, hence why Cosmos series 2 is delayed... ah man.... Just for the record.. I don't believe that the accusation is legit... I believe that his "climate" became quite warm he tried to seduce the lady but doubt that he got heavy handed. Now he's experiencing a runaway greenhouse effect.
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