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Everything posted by MarsG76

  1. So I take it that you won't be buying the DVD? 😉
  2. Yes but it would be boring and stand out like a sore thumb if suddenly everything was mute as the CGI is shown... I like the sound effects....
  3. About right, but I'm still enjoying it....
  4. Even still on me after the decades of seeing it.
  5. Saturn definitely makes an impression on everyone.
  6. I remember as a kid I had a Tasco 60mm refractor from my dad... I was reading the manual and in it it said "...and yes, you will be able to see the rings of Saturn through your telescope." I got very excited and couldn't wait... when the day came, I saw it.. first looked like a squished star but at 128X it was a tiny "Saturn" with it's rings clearly visible... Saturn was tiny but I loved it and kept on coming back for more..... As far as seeing the Cassini division, I didn't actually see it until I got the 8" SCT... to date, still gave me the best view of Saturn.... I think you should be able to pick-out the Cassini division and perhaps a cloud band during the clearest, stillest nights.
  7. WOO HOO, I got my banana fingers on the 4 eps you guys were all enjoying.. tonight will be astro cinema time at home....
  8. Hmm.. if Rasp Pi can't run the apps than to me it seems like the Pi is just a adapter/hub and you still need a computer to run the software to control the scope and obsy....
  9. Yours, the APOD image is too Saturated.... your image has that softfocus glow to it and its color levels are just right.. your look realistic/photographic and the APOD image looks like a cartoon....
  10. What about running Windows IoT??? Might be worth a look... Anyone run Win IoT and try running PHD2 and APT on that?
  11. Is it possible to run Windows on the Raspberry? If not, than is Linux/Wine the only way to use PHD 2, APT, Celestron NexRemote and ASCOM... Reason I ask is because this little computer would be great in the obsy, but I image using the mentioned software.
  12. Keep us informed, I'm looking forward to read about your experience....
  13. Hmm, whats the address of the outhouses with the equipment stored?? haha joking... My home and CONTENTS insurance covers everything on the property... at least that my understanding.... I'd suspect that all Insurance plans with a contents cover would be the same.
  14. Great work, I find that it's little projects like this that are the icing on the cake in amateur astronomy.
  15. ... very busy and dense with stuff.... love it.
  16. I'm with Stub about the sensor size.. if anything I personally would go for the 1600..
  17. Been there, done that... this is one project that has me beat... de-bayering is obviously not a skill I can master with my banana fingers.....
  18. 11 huh.. WOW.. thats something to be proud of.. talented little one.
  19. I'm very sure that if it happened to you and you dropped a line on here, someone in the area would be more than happy to help... I know that if someone down here near me was in that predicament, I'd be more than happy to give a helping hand.
  20. Weren't kidding when stated that it takes ages... I started the update at midnight..... needless to say, I didn't test it, nor had much sleep... Hopefully it's stable.
  21. Great work.. reminds me of when I was building mine.
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