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Everything posted by MarsG76

  1. WOW, that is one awesome mount...... well done.. feeling slight sense of jealousy.....
  2. Thats astonishing for an iPhone photo... WOW
  3. I play with electronics for a living ;-).. but unfortunately the RA encoder chip is surface mounted... still replaceable if I could get my hands on the IC...
  4. As it looks like it was the IC after all, but I was hopeful that it was a simple fault, but I got quite a few years out of it.
  5. Hello Lousie, There's absolutely no signs of damage on the board... I inspected it thoroughly looking for an obvious burn such as a bulging cap or charred components or dry joints to attempt a repair but everything looked clean... Hopefully this board will last as long as the last one.... now to my next step.. the Obsy computer..... my SFF PC and LCD arrived and I need to port my recently failed laptop OS to it with my setup, than I'll be back in action.... I opted to get a mini desktop PC instead of another laptop for the obsy... losing 2 laptops in the scope hut and both within 18 month, I figure that a desktop might be a bit tougher for the elements.
  6. UPDATE: New MC Board is in.. the CGEM is working... CGEM Resurrection...
  7. Very cool.. the sky cam is definitely a great tool in our hobby. Is is still a "el-cheapo"?
  8. Only if the object observed is low enough to be comfortable through my SCT... straight through is generally reserved for imaging.
  9. Seeing that much detail in the eyepiece is some view.... I love those rare moments where I can push Jupiter to 500X mag and it's massive, clear and detailed in my dob.... rare but WOW so I share your excitement.
  10. Great... I get to miss another one... enjoy...
  11. We're all here to learn, share the knowledge and most importantly.... enjoy the hobby.
  12. From the album: Deep Sky Astrophotography

    The subs exposed for this image were done almost a year ago and I completely forgot about them. This image consists of a total of 16.5 hours exposure time on SII, HAlpha and OIII data over multiple nights of imaging. Imaged through a BOSMA 80mm refractor at 500mm focal length (f6.25) using a full spectrum modded Canon 40D DSLR.

    © Mariusz Goralski

  13. The "Universe is so big that it's arrogant to say there's no life out there" argument by the likes of neil degrasse "there are more stars in the milkyway galaxy than there are atoms in the universe" tyson is like saying that if you had an infinite number of monkey with an infinite number of type writers randomly bashing away, that in a infinite amount of time one would rewrite the entire literature collection in existence and that will be in existence.... I say, "Show me proof not philosophy"....
  14. Is this a new Brian Cox doco?? or is this "Wonders of the Solar System"?
  15. I use "StarWalk" on my iPhone and iPad... it is a great app, looks great and is smooth to operate.
  16. Perhaps it is but would be good to see live.
  17. Well done.... challenge accepted....
  18. Looks like a great plan.. good luck.
  19. That is scaringly close to disaster.... lucky that you spotted the missing filter.
  20. +1 from me on the above... solar observing is no joke and setup always needs triple checking.
  21. From the album: Deep Sky Astrophotography

    Close up image of Gum 53 or NGC 6188 (AKA Fighting Dragons) imaged in narrowband and SHO channels combined into "Hubble palette". NGC6188 is an emission nebula located 4,000 light years away in the constellation Ara. This image was exposed with a cooled and full spectrum modded DSLR, though an 8" SCT at 2032mm focal length. The total exposure through all narrowband filters is 50 hours and 46 minutes.

    © Mariusz Goralski

  22. From the album: Deep Sky Astrophotography

    Close up image of Gum 53 or NGC 6188 (AKA Fighting Dragons) imaged in natural color. NGC6188 is an emission nebula located 4,000 light years away in the constellation Ara. This image was exposed with a cooled and full spectrum modded DSLR, though an 8" SCT at 2000mm focal length. The total exposure for this photo was 4 hours and 15 minutes.

    © Mariusz Goralski

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