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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Great tutorial, Mark, and the time lapse is excellent! Regards, Reggie
  2. @astroavani @MarkRadice, I took another go in Registax thanks to your suggestions and produced these images: Thanks again for the suggestions! Cheers, Reggie
  3. Wow! What a difference! Thanks, Mark. I'll check the rgb balance more often
  4. Thanks, Martyn I'll be watching out for your images 👍
  5. Good work, Peter. Two minutes well-spent! Regards, Reggie
  6. Superb images, Neil! Lovely colorful Saturn! Wow! The GRS looks nice, too! Cheers, Reggie
  7. Nice pictures, Fedele. You got some of the moons, too! Regards, Reggie
  8. Great effort, Martyn. The thin cloud and moisture did soften things a bit but the details still shine through Regards, Reggie
  9. It was the 180mm. Thanks for the advice
  10. I caught Ganymede's shadow as it was transiting Jupiter and near the instant the moon itself was crossing Jupiter's disc: Regards, Reggie
  11. Great shot, Avani! I got an image of the transit as well around the same time you did, lol! Regards, Reggie
  12. Here are the best images from data captured just after midnight with my Orion 180mm Mak using the ASI224MC with Firecapture. Processed in Registax 6 and Photoshop: Can't wait until the oppositions! Cheers, Reggie
  13. Very nice images, Astro Avani! The GRS looks wonderful! Cheers, Reggie
  14. Nice report, John. I'm waiting for them to rise a bit earlier myself before I do some serious observing (and imaging). Cheers, Reggie
  15. Striking images! Look at that moon detail 👍 Regards, Reggie
  16. Great animation, Neil. I enjoyed the avi very much 👍 Regards, Reggie
  17. I image planets much the same as @Pete Presland. I use the ASI224mc and Firecapture to capture several seconds of color video through my 180 Mak. I then process the video (stack the video images) in Registax 6 to get the image which I touch up in Photoshop.
  18. Fabulous image. Crisp and smooth. Encke looks really good! Cheers, Reggie
  19. Excellent images, Pete. I'm waiting for them peak at a decent hour before I try to image, lol. Kudos for your efforts! Regards, Reggie 🚀
  20. Exquisite image, especially with the moons. Great detail on Jupiter! Cheers, Reggie
  21. Greetings, Damien. I do believe you imaged Triton as well as Neptune. I see the pair visually quite often with my Skyview Pro 180. I hope to grab an image myself, soon! Cheers! Reggie
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