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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Thanks, Neil. I was dodging clouds all evening long, lol
  2. Great sketch! I noticed the moons were exceptionally bright tonight Regards, Reggie🚀
  3. Nv-da U-da-ta-nv-a-gi-s-di U-li-s-dv (end of fruit moon), also known as Ga-lo-ne-e (Kituwa dialect) or Ga-lo-ni (Overhill dialect) is the Cherokee name for the full moon in August. Foods from the trees and bushes are gathered by the Aniyvwiya (principal people or Cherokee). Green corn celebrations continue during this time, thanking the Great Spirit for the gifts from E-lo-hi (Earth). I got this shot through my 127mm Mak with a Nikon D3200 during a break in the clouds! Photo taken at prime focus at r.j.s. observatory™ Cheers! Reggie 🚀
  4. Brilliant! I've never seen that before! Cheers, Reggie 🚀
  5. Wonderful! I'm glad you had such a productive morning!
  6. Thanks, my friend. It was a good combination of transparency and seeing that night. I almost resigned myself to solely observing the opposition but the sky was so clear and steady I couldn't resist a bit of imaging
  7. Thanks, Angie. That would explain why the "shadow" was actually the moon and shadow together, being very close at opposition. Wow, what neat geometry!
  8. Here is Jupiter at opposition on August 19 with Io in transit using the SkyView Pro 180mm Mak, ZWO ASI224MC/ Firecapture, processed in Registax 6: What is so unique about this image is that because it was taken at opposition, the moon and shadow transits of Io were very close together, appearing as a single event. Cheers! Reggie 🚀
  9. The clouds parted and allowed me to get a nice image of Jupiter at opposition with a cool Io transit to boot! I thought it was a just moon shadow but my Starry Night software revealed that the shadow AND the moon itself were transiting the gas giant simultaneously: Cheers! Reggie🚀
  10. One of the best I've seen!
  11. Cheers! I'm getting out there tonight my local time (EDT) hopefully to see a few, maybe even image one! Reggie
  12. Those are some great photos! Congratulations! Reggie
  13. Many thanks, Neil. Your reprocessed image is AMAZING 🤩
  14. Thanks, Rob. I was quite pleased with the result. I was never able to tease out much color in Saturn until I got the 224mc. It's a great little cam!
  15. Thanks, Pete. I recently learned that the humidity actually stabilized the atmosphere and improved the seeing. I never thought about that, but the seeing was unusually good that night.😮
  16. Thanks, Pete. This is my personal best for Saturn with my current setup.
  17. Cheers for the C Ring! Despite the challenging conditions, you managed to produce wonderful images, Avani. Thank you so much for sharing them! Regards, my friend Reggie
  18. Nice work, Fedele. I like the color balance and the moons! Cheers, Reggie 🚀
  19. Great images, Anubis. I have a 127mm StarMax and love the views. I especially like the Jupiter image, very natural-looking. Saturn looks like a painting, maybe a little over-processed? I've never used an ADC, but I'm sure it will only enhance imaging. I'd give it a shot. Nothing beats a night of good seeing and catching the object at maximum altitude from the horizon. Though I use my 180 Mak primarily for imaging now I got some great images from the 127mm. Keep it up! Regards, Reggie🚀
  20. I see bands and moons! Good show! Regards, Reggie 🚀
  21. Nice animations, Damien! The second one looks as if something crashed into the cloud tops, lol. Keep up the great work Cheers, Reggie 🚀
  22. Great shots, Damien. I see that we have similar kit (180mm Mak & ASI224 MC). Your images look a lot like mine, lol. Nice color and detail. I can't get the animation to play tho Cheers, Reggie 🚀
  23. I can see it, too, Mark. It might be an illusion caused by the shape of the planet against the rings.
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