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Everything posted by orion25

  1. That image is worthy of publication, Lee I use the Orion SkyView Pro Equatorial mount for the 180mm, I affectionately call the Big Mak: https://www.telescope.com/Orion-SkyView-Pro-Equatorial-Telescope-Mount/p/9829.uts I'll need to get a tracker like this: https://www.telescope.com/Orion/Orion-Dual-Axis-TrueTrack-Telescope-Drive/rc/2160/p/7832.uts I just haven't laid down the bucks to buy the tracker yet. My 127mm is already set with the Orion EQ-3M. I could step up to go-to but I don't know if I want to deal with all the electronics. I still like doing some things the old-fashioned way. Reggie
  2. Known in Western culture as the Winter Circle, here is a slightly different representation of major celestial objects in the Winter Sky, referred to as the Sacred Hoop by the Lakota, an indigenous people of North and South Dakota in the U.S. This is a composite of four different shots, covering a very wide swath of sky! Aho! (Cheers) Reggie
  3. That's an excellent pic! How long was the exposure? The added aperture of the 150 does make a difference for imaging. I need to get a tracker for my 180mm Mak so I can do longer exposures with it for DSOs. For planets, I like capturing video using either my ZWO ASI 224MC or Orion 5MP StarShoot Solar System camera and processing the video in Registax 6 and Photoshop. I'm not a big fan of stacking but I'll do it if I can get a good image, lol.
  4. Hey, Lee, I have the Orion version of the Skywatcher 127 and I LOVE it. Even though I have the larger 180mm version (which I use primarily for imaging), I find that the 127mm is my most-used scope. It gives crisp and sharp views of the Moon, planets and bright DSOs, and is ultra-portable. I can take it with me anywhere. Have you tried imaging M42 yet? I attached my Nikon D3200 to my Skymax at took a 20 sec exposure (with tracking) to produce this:
  5. That's a great shot. It looks like you're driving right into Orion, lol. Regards, Reggie
  6. Nice images! It's great that you are still able to get some detail on Mars. I remember seeing Uranus for the first time through my 180mm Mak and being floored by the blue-green disc. I got an image once of Mars and Uranus at conjunction :https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/288016-mars-uranus-conjunction/?tab=comments#comment-3156994
  7. Thanks, Pete. I was fortunate to have clear skies for the event. Were you able to see it?
  8. I had to actually get two separate images to expose each planet correctly and combine the two. I was really chuffed to get this! I'm glad you at least got a glimpse; it'll be 80 more years before it happens again - we may have to see that one from the other side, lol!
  9. Thanks for this information, Paul. I was fortunate to have seen it on the day of closest approach which made a big difference for imaging purposes, but otherwise, the distance between them on the days immediately prior and following are negligible for viewing purposes. Reggie
  10. orion25


    A few cool astronomy-related images that I have taken over the years
  11. Thanks, Scorpius. Last night, I was so focused with the DSLR that I didn't get a series of good video captures for further processing. I decided to try to get some video tonight while they were still close. I just did get the two in the same frame (as you can see)! Tomorrow night they will be too far apart to fit in my camera's frame so I got lucky, lol!
  12. Tonight, I was able to focus more on capturing video of the conjunction for processing. I used the Orion StarShoot 5 MP Solar System Color Camera and the 127mm Orion StarMax Mak-Cass to capture a 10 second video that I processed in Registax 6. Light on the wavelets with finishing touches in Photoshop: Cheers! Reggie
  13. Haha, I had the camera on timer to automatically open the shutter and happened to catch this wild shot! Thanks, Sunshine. Happy Solstice! Reggie
  14. Here are some the images I took during the Great Conjunction! A nice wide-field camera shot through the trees: A prime focus shot just after sunset: A PLANE CRASHES MY SHOT a few minutes later, lol!: A cropped prime focus shot after the sky darkened a bit: What a GREAT conjunction! And the two will still be very close for several days to come! Cheers! Reggie
  15. The approach continues! This photo highlights Saturn's rings: This photo highlights Jupiter's moons (top to bottom: Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, and Io): Can't wait for the 21st! Reggie
  16. Avani, it is so good to see you here again. I'm glad your family has recovered. Take good care of yourself, my friend. I've missed your fabulous images! Reggie
  17. My first prime focus shot of the Great Conjunction! More to come! Reggie
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