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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Nice job, George. Love the composition. That is very artistic and dramatic
  2. Here is a collage of images I've taken of the sun and the planets at the r.j.s. observatory over the past few years. Mars is the latest addition. Earth is there in spirit, because it's hard to get a good perspective shot, lol! Clear skies! Reggie
  3. orion25

    Olympus Mons-Best

    Looks like clouds to me!
  4. Hi, Ouroboros. That's a nice image. I've been following Mars for a little while now and determined that there's nothing like good seeing when trying to image. Waiting until the atmosphere is stable and Mars is at its highest altitude is key to getting good detail with whatever equipment you use. Let that be your foundation and go from there and don't be afraid to try new things. I got my best image of Mars after weeks of trying when I had a night of good seeing and the Red Planet was at a good altitude. All the best! Reggie
  5. I did see the beautiful conjunction of the moon, Saturn and Jupiter. I got a picture that I haven't uploaded yet. Mars, though, has been getting most of my attention these past few months, lol. Looking forward to "seeing" more of your images, George. All the best, Reggie
  6. This is my latest image using the ZWO ASI224MC with my 180mm Mak. I'm real happy with it being able to image Olympus Mons! Solis Lacus, the "eye" is there on the left limb, the polar cap, and some cool dark albedo features in the southern hemisphere. Seeing is EVERYTHING. Best wishes with your future imaging and visual attempts with Mars! Regards, Reggie
  7. Great photo! Got some good detail there
  8. The Eye of Mars is watching you, lol. Great image, Peter! Regards, Reggie
  9. Identification of some more features I was able to image, including Solis Lacus, "the eye of Mars":
  10. A night of great seeing resulted in one of my best overall images of Mars and my first-ever image of Olympus Mons! The south polar cap, though small, was becoming more prominent, and a number of dark albedo features were on display: Equipment: Orion SkyView Pro 180mm Mak-Cass, ZWO ASI 224MC, Celestron 2x barlow Post-Processing: Registax 6, Photoshop I was quite pleased and pleasantly surprised to capture Mons which I wasn't sure was possible without more aperture. Regards, Reggie
  11. Great animation, Michael. Love seeing Olympus Mons rotating! Reggie
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