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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Interesting configuration of Jupiter's moons on the night of September 9 resulted in this image (Orion SkyMax 127mm Mak-Cass, ZWO ASI 224MC, Registax 6, Photoshop): Clear skies! Reggie🚀
  2. Greetings, all! I was intending to solely observe but the moons were in such an interesting configuration that I had to go for image! Orion StarMax 127mm Mak-Cass, ZWO ASI 224MC, processed in Registax 6, post-processing in Photoshop Clear skies! Reggie🚀
  3. Great effort, Mike! Nice detail on Jupiter and the moons are sharp and bright. I think you'll enjoy planetary imaging as well. It's very rewarding capturing our fellow planets Regards, Reggie🚀
  4. Excellent shots, Mike. I feel like I'm on the surface! Copernicus is a favorite lunar feature of mine Regards, Reggie🚀
  5. Great image, Peter. I'm glad you got around to it! Reggie
  6. Spectacular! Good job! Regards, Reggie🚀
  7. Brilliant images, Simon! I especially like the crystal clear Saturn 👍 Regards, Reggie
  8. Great image! It's always exciting capturing the GRS and this is only the first! Reggie🚀
  9. Thanks, Pete. Neptune can be really tough to image without a nearby bright object as an anchor. I guess I need a bigger scope, lol!
  10. Good going, Adam! Nice banding on Saturn and the GRS is looking sharp in the bottom image. Regards, Reggie
  11. Thanks, Damien. Nice set of photos you have here! Love the blue you were able to capture. Even though Neptune doesn't show much surface detail just seeing it is a joy Clear skies!
  12. Thanks, Angie. It's been tricky for me to image Neptune, especially without the aid of bright guide star or planet.
  13. In tribute to the Neptune opposition I've posted previous prime focus images of Neptune in magical conjunctions with Venus and Mars. You can see of hints of the gas giant's bluish hue: Neptune is at opposition is on September 14 at approximately 9 UTC! Cheers, Reggie 🚀
  14. Thanks, Pete. Got to take advantage of those fleeting clear nights!
  15. Here is another GRS shot I was able to image with my Orion SkyView Pro 180mm, ASI 224MC/Firecapture, post-processed in Registax 6 and Photoshop: Cheers! Reggie 🚀
  16. Last night brought about great transparency and steady seeing, so after a few hours of blissful observing I got out the imaging gear and captured a few images of the gas giants with the Big Mak (Orion SkyView Pro 180mm), ASI 224MC/FireCapture, post-processed in Registax 6 and Photoshop: Cheers! Reggie 🚀
  17. I'll say this a wonderful image! I can believe you captured detail on Ganymede. You've done some awesome work, Avani
  18. orion25


    One of the best images I've seen!
  19. Awesome shot, Mike! That refractor really pulls out the fine detail. Regards, Reggie 🚀
  20. I see cloud bands, Cassini and some hex at the pole - a good image!
  21. Congrats on imaging the transit, Kon. It's exciting to see moon and shadow transits, and even more exciting to catch them in an image! Nice work @neil phillips on the post-processing, Neil Cheers, Reggie🚀
  22. Great animation, Neil. Nice detail from that achro Cheers! Reggie🚀
  23. Great GRS! I can see those subtle changes you speak of. The dynamic nature of the clouds is always interesting! Cheers! Reggie🚀
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