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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Brill images, Simon. Great detail and color on the cloud bands, and those rings - wow! Regards, Reggie 🚀
  2. It's a keeper, Alex. Great image; love the detail and color you were able to tease out with the de-rotation Regards, Reggie 🚀
  3. Thanks, Louis! Clear skies, my friend
  4. Actually, this image was taken a few nights before opposition which was fortunate because clouds and rain prevented me from getting out early this morning. This is one of my best images of Saturn so far, using my 180mm Mak, ASI224MC/Firecapture, processed in Registax 6 with post-processing in Photoshop: Clear skies! ~Reggie 🚀
  5. Thanks, Martyn. I've been making good use of the RGB balance in Registax 6, lol Clear skies, my friend!
  6. Well captured, Pete. Nice transit shot and a crisp GRS Regards, Reggie 🚀
  7. Great animation, Angie. You really captured the energy of the solar system Regards, Reggie 🚀
  8. Exquisite colors, Neil. You teased out some beautiful and colorful detail! It can be worthwhile to reprocess older data...as a matter of fact, let me take another look over mine, lol 😆 Regards, Reggie! 🚀
  9. Thanks, Neil. You always get some the nicest planetary and lunar images! Clear skies, friend
  10. Thanks, Angie. It wasn't the most transparent night but I was able to get some usable data. Jupiter looked great through the eyepiece, too
  11. Thanks, Craig. Yes, the seeing was very good despite the light haze. Before I started gathering data I didn't expect much from the night, but I was pleasantly surprised Clear skies, my friend!
  12. I captured the Great Red Spot along with Europa and Io in this image using my 180mm Mak and ASI 224MC/FireCapture, processed in Registax 6 with post-processing in Photoshop: Cheers, Reggie 🚀
  13. Humid night but Jupiter still shone brightly through the haze. I took these images around 1 a.m. with my 180mm Mak, ASI 224MC using FireCapture, processed in Registax 6 and post-processed in Photoshop: Cheers, Reggie 🚀
  14. Incredible image! WOW! 🤩🤩 Cheers, Reggie
  15. Brilliant work, Pete. Definite enhancement of detail and a more natural look in the de-rotated image. Regards, Reggie🚀
  16. Thanks, Pete I always look forward to your images. Hope you have clear skies for the upcoming oppositions!
  17. Thanks, Sunshine. I wasn't even trying to capture the transit, lol. I had a clear night and some time on my hands and went for Jupiter
  18. Thanks, my friend. I really like the images you have been getting. Opposition is just a few days away for Saturn a few weeks for Jupiter; I'll be out there on watch, lol!
  19. Here is a prime focus shot of the July full moon known to the Cherokee people as the Ripe Corn Moon, a time for celebration of the growing season: 127mm Mak, Nikon D3200 at prime focus Cheers, Reggie
  20. Ok, here is another entry, taken with the 180mm Mak using the ASI224MC, captured in FireCapture and processed in Registax 6 with post-processing in Photoshop, with the magical GRS just coming into view: Regards, Reggie 🚀
  21. Hi, all. Here is my entry into the fray, lol. I imaged this one through my 180mm Mak using the ASI224MC, captured in FireCapture and processed in Registax 6 with post-processing in Photoshop: A nice, clear shadow of Ganymede at the instant the moon appeared to begin crossing mighty Jupiter itself! Cheers, Reggie🚀
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