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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Great shots! I like the second image especially. You got a nice scope there. Regards, Reggie🚀
  2. I agree with Pete, that's a great start, and with some wavelet sharpening and RGB alignment, you can get some really good results. Keep up the good work! Regards, Reggie🚀
  3. Those are some really nice images, Trevor. The shadow Saturn casts on its rings is incredible! Regards, Reggie🚀
  4. HI, vineyard. Thanks for sharing your image! Planetary imaging is a unique sport and you'll learn lots along the way. Don't be afraid to ask questions or to experiment! There's much experience and helpful guidance available here, as well as some cracking images! Enjoy! Regards, Reggie🚀
  5. I like it! Lots! That moving shadow is cracking Regards, Reggie🚀
  6. You should be quite pleased with these results! Very nice images and congratulations on C.925. Look forward to seeing more of your work with that great scope Cheers, Reggie🚀
  7. Great images especially considering the conditions. I like the wider field images of Jupiter with the moons. The colors on Saturn are pretty amazing! Regards, Reggie🚀
  8. Lots of potential in those images, yuklop! I agree with Vlaiv; some wavelet sharpening and RGB alignment will greatly improve your results. Keep up the good planetary work Cheers, Reggie🚀
  9. Great! I make composites sometimes as well to bring out the moons. Some nice detail visible on the planets. Keep it up! Regards, Reggie🚀
  10. It's no laughing matter, lol! Nice images. You'll only get better and better as you learn and put in the work. I love planetary imaging and experimenting with techniques. Take advantage of every opportunity and don't be afraid to ask questions or try something new. Best wishes! Reggie🚀
  11. Cheers to your first images! I have greatly enjoyed my ASI 224mc and the planetary work I've been able to achieve. Keep up the good work! Regards, Reggie🚀
  12. Thanks, Pete. I imagine Venus is pretty low for your location right now.
  13. Venus! Jupiter and Saturn have stolen the show while Venus is shining brilliantly low in the west after sunset, lol. I only go for phase when imaging the Goddess and instead of my usual DSLR/barlow combo I chose to use the ASI 224MC to capture about 20s of video for post-processing in Registax. Here is the result: I captured a nice waning gibbous phase! Cheers, Reggie 🚀
  14. Great image, Pete. Lots of detail You've done some nice planetary work despite the low elevation at your latitude Regards, Reggie 🚀
  15. Super image, Peter. Nice job! Regards, Reggie 🚀
  16. orion25

    sat for SGL.png

    Wow! The most colorful Saturn I've seen! Lovely
  17. Congratulations, Jonny! That's a fine first planetary image. Look forward to many more Cheers, Reggie🚀
  18. Interesting configuration of Jupiter's moons on the night of September 9 resulted in this image (Orion SkyMax 127mm Mak-Cass, ZWO ASI 224MC, Registax 6, Photoshop): Clear skies! Reggie🚀
  19. Greetings, all! I was intending to solely observe but the moons were in such an interesting configuration that I had to go for image! Orion StarMax 127mm Mak-Cass, ZWO ASI 224MC, processed in Registax 6, post-processing in Photoshop Clear skies! Reggie🚀
  20. Great effort, Mike! Nice detail on Jupiter and the moons are sharp and bright. I think you'll enjoy planetary imaging as well. It's very rewarding capturing our fellow planets Regards, Reggie🚀
  21. Excellent shots, Mike. I feel like I'm on the surface! Copernicus is a favorite lunar feature of mine Regards, Reggie🚀
  22. Great image, Peter. I'm glad you got around to it! Reggie
  23. Spectacular! Good job! Regards, Reggie🚀
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