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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Here are some new pics of imaging rig (Orion 180mm Mak, ASI224mc and laptop with Firecapture). Right now, I'm "focused" on Mars and took these shots Friday night as I was capturing some data: Mars is at the top of the picture; Orion is rising on the right: Can you see Orion?? And, of course, I had to include the fruit of my data collection: Cheers! Reggie🤩
  2. Crackin' image, Paul. I have an Orion 127 Mak Reggie
  3. My planetary imaging rig. Pictured is my Orion 127mm Mak, ASI224mc and laptop with Firecapture and Registax 6 at the ready. This was taken in 2018 during the great Mars opposition of that year. I usually use my 180mm Mak for planetary imaging, but the 127mm is a little more photogenic, lol. Time to set this up again! Clear skies! Reggie
  4. Brilliant shots, Dave. Especially the last one!
  5. Superb images, Nigella! Love the feel of the dome with the starry backdrop.
  6. Greetings, George! I hope all is well with you and the Mrs!
  7. The second total lunar eclipse for the Americas in 2022. Here are some prime focus shots I took through my 127mm Mak: Cheers! Reggie
  8. Cracking image, Alex! Thanks for sharing! Reggie
  9. Wow! I have a 127mm Mak, too, and would love to get an image as detailed as this! Reggie
  10. Great image despite the conditions. I've found details on Mars to be soft visually right now; I've read that a windstorm is slowly receding. Hopefully, things will improve in the coming weeks up to perigee/opposition. Regards, Reggie
  11. Thanks, Angie. I'm excited about this apparition!
  12. All hail to the mighty C14! Excellent images, Geof. Mars is really putting on a show and the best is yet to come! Reggie
  13. Thanks, Gus. The high elevation (for us Northern Hemispherians) is a definite plus!
  14. Thanks, Neil. Your images are truly inspirational!
  15. Mars is sufficiently close and large enough for me to get a decent image with my 180mm Mak/ASI224mc kit. Great seeing and a withering dust storm! I'm pleased with the result. Lots of detail to see here: Mars fever in FULL EFFECT! 🤩🤩 Reggie
  16. Nice animation, Neil! Mars fever is upon us again
  17. Thanks, Gus. I always loved studying ancient cultures and rituals
  18. DID YOU KNOW that the Ocmulgee Earth Lodge was an ancient observatory and ceremonial chamber for the Mississippians over a thousand years ago? Research indicates that on November 5 (October 22 our time), sunrise entered the earth lodge and illuminated the chief's seat on the eagle platform. The smoke hole at the top of the lodge allowed the lodge dwellers to view the Pleiades star constellation and the Taurid Meteor shower that was prominent at the time (circa 1014 AD). Here are some pictures I took at the Earth Lodge from October 14-22 commemorating the event. Because of trees, you aren't able to see the sunrise reach the eagle platform, but you can see the sunlight enter the chamber at a considerable distance along the walkway. Now is a great time to visit the Ocmulgee Earth Lodge! I hope you enjoy my pictures! Location: Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park, Macon, GA, U.S. Sunrise through the entrance of the earth lodge: This interior shot of the earth lodge shows the raised eagle platform where the chief and two other important men sat. The sun would shine on them on this particular morning at daybreak. You can see a reflection on the protective glass enclosure of the sun in the lodge entrance: Daybreak on Coleman Hill a mile west of the Ocmulgee Earth Lodge. Because of trees, it is not possible to see daybreak at the Earth Lodge site: You can see why it's not possible to see daybreak at the Earth Lodge site and, therefore, not possible to actually see the sun's rays reach the eagle platform. Here, it is about an hour after daybreak and the sun is just beginning to peer through the trees: The sun shining on the exterior entrance of the Earth Lodge: The Pleiades (here, shot at my own home observatory) was visible through the smoke hole in the Earth Lodge at zenith during this time a thousand years ago, and the Taurid meteor shower (which was very active at the time) was also visible. Research indicates that this was the reason the lodge was oriented with the sunrise on this date. These prehistoric earth lodge dwellers likely performed ceremony to either the Pleiades, the Taurids or both: Cheers! Reggie
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