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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Thanks, Michael. I had heard some of our fellow loungers speak of observing Polaris' little companion which I never got around to either until recently. I'm glad I looked!
  2. Thanks, Ian. Albireo is one of my favorite doubles, along with Almach and Iota Cancri.
  3. This is the first time I ever tried to see (let alone image) any of the companion stars of Polaris and with my 127mm Mak was able to easily pick this one out: The toughest part was getting the Mak into position! Cheers! Reggie🚀
  4. Welcome, Rick! I'm not too far from you down in Georgia! Reggie
  5. When I saw the image I was about to ask did you take this?? LOL Regards, Reggie It's cold and grey here, too 😞
  6. Thanks, Mark. I agree; I love those wide shots
  7. Thanks, Sunshine! I was only planning to observe and when I saw this configuration of Jupiter and its moons I had to get a shot. It's actually a composite of two images: one exposed to capture the moons and the other to get detail on Jupiter. My 127mm gave me the focal length I needed to get all the moons in without making Jupiter look like a bright dot, lol.
  8. I couldn't resist getting an image of Jupiter with its four Galilean moons in a line last evening. Orion SkyMax 127mm, ZWO ASI224mc Cheers! Reggie🚀
  9. Late night prime focus capture of the moon as it approaches last quarter. It was a chilly, partly cloudy night, dodging clouds, lol:
  10. A single prime focus shot using the StarMax 127mm and Nikon D3200: Aided ancient hunters in finding their prey into the night... Cheers, Reggie🌑
  11. Brilliant, Adam. Nice, well-defined shadow. Love the animation! Cheers, Reggie
  12. Great shots. I have the same scope and I love the views. You'll have many nights of sheer joy with the 180! Cheers, Reggie🚀🌑
  13. October 16, 2021 was International Observe the Moon Night by NASA, a wonderful opportunity for people across the globe to share an evening of moon gazing online. People could send their observing impressions and images during this Facebook Live event. I discovered it at the last minute so I didn't get to share the information with my SGL friends. Many of you may have already known and participated. In any case, I did get to join in by taking a prime focus image of the waxing gibbous: Happy Moon gazing! Cheers! Reggie🌔
  14. Great shot, Adam. Full of detail and nice color. Cheers, Reggie🚀
  15. Nice one, Neil. Wow! Detail on Neptune, that's not easy. thanks for pulling this one out Regards, Reggie🚀
  16. Congratulations to the winners and kudos to all the participants! There were some amazing entries in this competition, and some faced difficult conditions due to elevation. I hope this inspires us to continue imaging far into the future! Reggie🚀
  17. When everything comes together, a clear night with good transparency and good seeing, there's nothing like an evening of good observing. Even if conditions aren't perfect, it's still very therapeutic to get out under the stars. The fewer electronics to fiddle with the better imo. After all, we are made from the stuff of stars. We connect with our cosmic origins when we observe.
  18. Nice first light images. I have the Orion equivalent, the SkyView 180 Pro, and I'm very pleased with it for planets and medium-bright /bright DSOs and galaxies. I especially like your Jupiter image! Cheers, Reggie🚀
  19. You're getting very nice results, Fedele. Love the Jupiter. Saturn's looking good, too. Great work! Regards, Reggie🚀
  20. Love the animation! Your image looks like it could be sharpened a bit; it's not as sharp as your gif. I'd play with the wavelets a bit. It's a nice image Regards, Reggie🚀
  21. Cracking images, Trevor! I have the Orion equivalent of the Skymax 180, the Skyview 180 Pro and I absolutely love it for planetary work Regards, Reggie🚀
  22. Cracking images, Fedele Regards, Reggie🚀
  23. Wow, so much detail! Just look at all those cloud bands Cheers, Reggie🚀
  24. That's a great capture, Pete. Right on time! Cheers, mate Reggie
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