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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Wow, what an improvement! I had hoped the full quality image would be inserted in the reply post to you; I'll send you a message. Thanks for your effort!
  2. Sure, vlaiv. Here it is. I can't wait to see your results! There was a little "ring" anomaly near the right bottom edge of the image, not quite sure what caused it. Cheers! Reggie
  3. Here is my annual photo of one of my favorite nebulae of all time, M42, the Orion Nebula, prime focus using a Nikon D3200 and 127mm StarMax Mak-Cass at ISO 3200, single 10s exposure, post-processing in Photoshop: Cheers! Reggie🚀
  4. Thanks, Sunshine. Same to you and yours!
  5. I grabbed this nice configuration of Jupiter and the Galilean moons on Christmas night. It was unusually warm here with mostly clear skies. Hope everyone who celebrates is having a wonderful holiday season! Orion StarMax 127mm Mak, ZWO ASI224mc: Seasons Greetings! Reggie🚀
  6. Not bad at all, Pete. Hope you're having a nice holiday! Reggie
  7. Thanks, Neil. I love your lunar imaging work
  8. Thanks, Adam. I wanted to give more imaging time to Luna
  9. I took advantage of the mostly clear nights of November here in the southeastern United States to take several prime focus images of the moon. Here is my composite as the moon traversed its different phases: Clear skies! Reggie🌑
  10. Thanks, Pete. It was quite a sight!
  11. I was able to capture the amazing double shadow transits of Ganymede and Callisto last evening at around 8 p.m. EST! I used my 180mm Mak with the ASI 224mc/Firecapture, processed in Registax. Seeing wasn't the best but I got decent images of the shadows and all of the Galilean moons. If you look closely, you can see the GRS between the shadows: Cheers!👀 Reggie
  12. I was treated to a beautiful, clear sky for the partial lunar eclipse that was visible in the United States and Canada, as well as Central and South America and some parts of Australia, Europe and Asia. It is reported to be the longest eclipse of its kind since February 18, 1440, almost 600 years (!) https://moon.nasa.gov/news/168/an-almost-total-lunar-eclipse/ lasting for about 6 hours from penumbra first contact and penumbra last contact (the actual umbral eclipse lasted about three and a half hours). The next partial lunar eclipse of such duration (even a bit longer) will be on February 8, 2669. For my time zone (EST) the penumbra made first contact about 1 a.m. The maximum eclipse occurred at 4:03 a.m. EST and here are a few of my images. The first is a prime focus shot f/4.5, 1/2.5s exposure through my 127mm Mak. The other shots were taken with and without a zoom lens with my DSLR at f4/5, 2s exposure: Beautiful copper tones! Cheers! Reggie🌑
  13. Thanks, Pete. I like to capture certain configurations of the moons
  14. Beautiful composition! Great way to spend a cloudy night! Regards, Reggie
  15. Thanks, Paul. Yes, M1 and M45 are worthy of distraction, lol!
  16. Thanks, Stu. I hadn't thought of that; interesting challenge!
  17. I've been following Ceres through the Hyades since early November and decided to try for an image. Its position changes significantly from night to night making it easy to spot the "moving object" among the stars. These are shots I took through my 127mm Mak on the evenings of November 13 and 14. I can't wait until Ceres' opposition on the 26th! Cheers! Reggie🚀
  18. Thanks, Stu. It was carefully exposed to catch the secondary without blowing out the primary.
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