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Phobias and stargazing


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I have a phobia of bugs and I realize that they are a part of stargazing in the summer, and short of bug spray what helps?

If you're in UK, observe at other times of year when the sky is darker and the nights are longer. Since you're asking now, I'm guessing you're in the southern hemisphere (or else seriously phobic if you're worrying about it in winter).

While observing in Greece this summer I just used lots of wipe-on insect repellent. The best stuff contains DEET. Wouldn't want to be using sprays around my scope.

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If you're in UK, observe at other times of year when the sky is darker and the nights are longer. Since you're asking now, I'm guessing you're in the southern hemisphere (or else seriously phobic if you're worrying about it in winter).

While observing in Greece this summer I just used lots of wipe-on insect repellent. The best stuff contains DEET. Wouldn't want to be using sprays around my scope.

I'm in the southeast US, and I'm very phobic.

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As was mentioned DEET is good stuff, but it dissolves several types of plastics, and so you need to be careful with it, depending on your kit.

In England I have not had any problem with insects in Summer. In Scotland you get the midges, but it doesn't get dark in the Summer. As for other parts of the world it depends. My wife get a really nasty bite in Canada that was still swollen after several weeks - probably the topic for a new thread..

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I'm lucky in that bugs don't usually bother me at all when out stargazing. I am however mildly agoraphobic which can cause it's own problems. :D

When bugs have been a pain (the midges in Scotland can be phenomenally vicious) I've worn a hat with a thin mesh sheet hanging down around it. It's a trifle odd but the knowledge that the wee gits can't get to my face is comforting!


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I'm terrified about getting a phobia


the main thing to do is avoid light as this attracts insects at night of course - except red light as they cannot see well or at all in the red spectrum - quite handy eh?

rest assured, you scare them more than they scare you.

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rest assured, you scare them more than they scare you.

It makes me laugh when people say that. They obviously have never been frozen to the spot in a cold sweat on the verge of passing out because there is a spider 10 ft away from them.

P.S.~~~Anyone post a picture of a spider and i will have you banned for life from the astronomy club.

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sure they have - what do you think the spider is doing! :D

The spider is usually staring at you, planning on the best way to freak you out even more. The staring is enough to do that.

I can handle any other types of creepy crawlies.

P.S.~~~mozzies HATE the taste of me.

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You can attack the bugs with chemicals or you can attack the phobia with the prodigious power of your human brain. Read about insects. The mighty Harlow Shapely, giant astronomer at the start of the 20th century, wrote a paper On The Thermokinetics Of Ants.

Knowledge is power. Insects are just like you. Get to know them. Read about insects. It is that simple.


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I'm lucky in that bugs don't usually bother me at all when out stargazing. I am however mildly agoraphobic which can cause it's own problems. :D


Having just looked that up! I bet that going to a starparty is something you really look forward too...?


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One of the things I've tried and found ok is a product made by Avon called "Skin So Soft" ( my wife buys it - Honest :D) which contains Citronella. It can be purchased from some Outdoors shops but is probably cheaper if you can buy it direct from an Avon Rep. Smells nice too :)

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rest assured, you scare them more than they scare you.

It makes me laugh when people say that. They obviously have never been frozen to the spot in a cold sweat on the verge of passing out because there is a spider 10 ft away from them.

P.S.~~~Anyone post a picture of a spider and i will have you banned for life from the astronomy club.

I freak out to the point of nearly passing out. Yes I know it's irrational, if it were I could deal with it.

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I'm terrified about getting a phobia

I believe that is genuinely known as phobophobia. Presumably that is also the name for an irrational fear of the largest of the moons of Mars.

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We have three children and if you give them those tennis racket shaped electrostatic bug zappers the problem is solved. Odd that!

Certainly worked in the caravan on holiday...

Yikes! Armed Rugrats near my scope - no way!

The one time i took my scope to an open area away from street lights and the few times i have set up in the front garden i have genuinely afraid of someone approaching me and not hearing them because i had a hat over my ears. So now i just get cold ears.

My only fear now is that I turn into Lensman :)

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