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Good and not so good YouTube astroinfluencers


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A great source of possibilities. I sense Youtube Astronomy suffers from the same "pathologies"
as Music (synth hardware) reviews! lol. But I am not cynical re. people who are prepared to put
in effort to increase the knowledge of others on Youtube! (I do, at least, subscribe to some!) 😎

Aside: As another vehicle of info, I find that I am now "snowed under" by posts on TWITTER?!?
I am only interested in SCIENCE news from "national labs" re. Particle Physics, Astronomy etc.
I'm not interested in how you think that... Jeremy Clarkson was "right about everything" (sic). 🤣

I suppose there are many who like to emulate (or endorse) the "worldview"
of their "heros"... "role models" etc. Me? I only care about (the!?!) Science. 🥳

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25 minutes ago, LukeSkywatcher said:

Who was the English guy who used to post on SGL. His videos were all about astrophotography on a budget. He'd buy second hand gear for a few quid and take pretty good images. He lives in London. 


Would that be Doug German  .... http://astrophotographyonabudget.blogspot.com/

I mentioned his YT channel on Page 1 ... :smile:

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19 minutes ago, Steve Ward said:

Would that be Doug German  .... http://astrophotographyonabudget.blogspot.com/

I mentioned his YT channel on Page 1 ... :smile:

Nope, different guy. For some reason, the guy I'm thinking of, I seem to remember worked in TV industry as a producer or director. 

I could be wrong. He didn't post much on SGL apart from linking to his vids.

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13 minutes ago, Pixies said:

Yep - Astro Biscuit


That's him. Thanks. I didn't know he had a different YT handle. I'll add him to my subscriptions.

Nice guy. Makes astronomy and imaging fun (not that I've done either lately).

Added him to my subscriptions. I must check out some of the others mentioned. 

Most of my current subs are competitive eaters, food reviews and Star Wars modelling and collectables.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm absolutely loving Rory (Astrobuscuit) vids. I've watched most of them now, and DARE I say that he is making me have a second thought about astrophotography. Currently, I'm purely visual, but I do have the bits and bobs for basic entry level AP.


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  • 2 months later...
On 09/06/2022 at 21:37, david_taurus83 said:

I watch most of the main astro channels but my favourite tend to be Chucks Astrophotography and Astronomy Shed. Unfortunately Dion on AS no longer participates in the hobby but his videos are very good. They are informative but not glossy or over produced. That's appealing to me as the amateur/enthusiast as they feel more honest. Chuck has had many APODs though he does seem to have different rig for every target!

Astronomy Shed is no more im afraid

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On 20/06/2022 at 11:22, Macavity said:

I suppose there are many who like to emulate (or endorse) the "worldview"
of their "heros"... "role models" etc. Me? I only care about (the!?!) Science. 🥳

All too true (first sentence), me too (second sentence, even if my understanding of the science is limited).

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On 09/06/2022 at 21:42, Steve Ward said:

+1 for Dr Becky obviously ... 🥰 

And although not entirely astro , SciManDan deserves a mention in dispatches for his relentless destruction of all things Fl*t Ea**h ... 👍

+1 for Dr.Becky too, but someone should tell her the 't' in Saturn is meant to be heard!

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On 09/06/2022 at 22:49, Ratlet said:

Kurzgesagt and PBS Space Time are both excellent resources if you want to know more on a cosmological sense.


Love Kurzgesagt...not just for astro topics. The presenter must be a robot, hasn't changed in years, but very soothing even when talking about the end of the world!

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In order not repeat majority of already mentioned, I'll add some others:

Adam Block Anything and everything PixInsight

Amy Astro Nonspecific, from various software to building your own rig

AstroBlender Cody, Equipment and instructional videos

astrophotocologne Frank Sackenheim, Deep-Sky AP, Recent APOD winner, knowledgeable, initiator of GraXpert, a free and open source standalone gradient removal tool. His latest two videos about Astro-Safari in Namibia were quite interesting. Some English content, mostly German

AstroWorld TV Now, this is a special one. US based LIVE Stream Astro Photography focused open forum, with subjects ranging from hardware to post processing and from beginners to advanced. Quite often they will have shows with guests. Latest one was Nico Carver. They do giveaways, books, filters, AP courses, coupons... In June the gave maxed PrimaLuce EAGLE4. Drop in while they stream and ask anything AP related, it's good chance you will get an answer. Dan, Pete, Eric, Scott and Jessi make the core of the crew and they run twice a week with almost 200 shows already. As the show is live streamed they do get of the rails sometimes, but in a fun way. Give them few shows to warm up to your heart. Can't recommend enough! If you watch a recording make sure to skip first cca. 15 min as they play music while setting up. AstroWorld’s shows run long (2.5 hours) and are on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch, every Wednesday and Friday night (Eastern Time Zone (UTC-05:00)).

Chris Howard US SF writer and AP. Some Astro related DIY 

Focus Astronomy Kevin LeGore Sky Watcher USA product specialist astronomy outreach program. Has interesting virtual star parties from time to time where he uses high-end remote SW USA gear.

Galactic Hunter Antoine and Dalia Grelin, a stargazing couple. AP content

Late Night Astronomy amateur astronomy and astrophotography.

Nightscape Images Aussie. Richard Tatti, Landscape Astrophotography

Sky-Watcher USA  Aside from their product presentations Kevin LeGore talks about other subjects like night vision astronomy, solar eclipses, using asi air... Often has quite interesting guests.

Steven Morris Aussie. Bit dry, but his dual RASA 8 setup is awesome.

The Astro Imaging Channel Trove of AP knowledge. Lecture style shows.

VisibleDark Shawn Nielsen of VisibleDark.ca.  Pixinsight image processing, tutorials and tips.

Windy City Astrophotography Nick takes APs from light-polluted skies with RASA, some tutorials as well.

Alyn Wallace Landscape Astrophotography combined with some travel and it makes it joy to watch. He recently published a book


StarTalk Science meets pop culture on StarTalk! Astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities & scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. 

Seeker and Seeker+ Vide variety of science topics with different hosts.

Scott Manley Physicist talks mostly about rocket science and engineering.

Marcus House Aussie. Rocket science, launches

Everyday Astronaut  Tim Dodd Rocket science, launches



Science in Action  The BBC brings you all the week's science news.

New Scientist Weekly Keep up with the latest scientific developments and breakthroughs

Science Magazine Podcast Weekly podcasts from Science Magazine

Nature Podcast  stories from the world of science each week


Italian speakers
RAI Radio3 Scienza Interviews, debates, insights and reports on current issues from the world of science. But also the gaze of science on the world. Keeping alive the dialogue between the scientific community and society. 

West South Slavic speakers 
Explora Interesting and controversial topics, science news, historical puzzles and technology development trends. If you can understand, a true masterpiece.


That sure took longer than expected...

Hope you find something interesting.

Edited by Dark Raven
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PicInsight started posting introduction to PixInsight. This series consists of 36 videos and is dedicated to describing the graphical interface of PixInsight and its practical use at beginner to intermediate levels, from the most basic concepts such as workspaces, image windows and views, to more complex topics such as masks, processing histories, projects, and more.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure he's an influencer, but this guy, Northern Panorama, influences me to sell up and head north!

His dour demeanor makes me look positively exuberant but his geographical situation is just beautiful.

I've been following him for a couple of seasons. I think this is his second vid of the current season:


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On 11/06/2022 at 01:06, RobertI said:

I currently only subscribe to Ed Ting, Astro La Vista (Chris), Refreshing Views (Marco Radice) and Astro Biscuit but clearly need to widen my net based on the great lists above. I also love the Actual Astronomy podcast - if you love visual it’s definitely worth a listen and broadcast weekly.

That is more or less the same for me, except swapping Refreshing Views for Alyn Wallace.

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Dr Becky, Anton Petrov, and Scott Manley are my YT go to channels. On podcast I like Astronomycast ,Universe Today, We Martians ,Actual Astronomy, and Looking Up.

After reading some of the list here, I've got some new YT channels to check out

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Logan's Astrophotography, from New Zealand has great content. Logan produces outstanding images, tells a bit of a story about the capture, often offers some interesting processing tips in either PS or PI. All delivered with a bit of quirky humour mixed in sporadically.

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