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Skywatcher AZ GTI mount owners thread


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18 minutes ago, TerraC said:

Question for astroberry users

It works via USB. Have you tried Firecapture or OACapture and selected the camera (think you only need to select it via menu on OACapture), Firecapture it will say at the top which camera is connected. Have you also setup an equipment profile first? If using a web browser to connect to the pi, there should be a pull out tab/drawer on the LHS of the screen, one of the buttons is a profile button, you need to specify what equipment is being connected, save the profile and load it at the beginning of every session as it will load the required drivers for the equipment.

Also you may have to tweak the usb traffic option if there is one in the software you're using, my 290mm mini which is usb 2 only was freezing in oacapture until I manually set this option and lowered it. Usb3 cameras have no issue I've found.

Edited by Elp
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20 minutes ago, Elp said:

It works via USB. Have you tried Firecapture or OACapture and selected the camera (think you only need to select it via menu on OACapture), Firecapture it will say at the top which camera is connected. Have you also setup an equipment profile first? If using a web browser to connect to the pi, there should be a pull out tab/drawer on the LHS of the screen, one of the buttons is a profile button, you need to specify what equipment is being connected, save the profile and load it at the beginning of every session as it will load the required drivers for the equipment.

Also you may have to tweak the usb traffic option if there is one in the software you're using, my 290mm mini which is usb 2 only was freezing in oacapture until I manually set this option and lowered it. Usb3 cameras have no issue I've found.

Brilliant i'm connected.  Was looking at an online tutorial with a different camera. he had a live preview page but for some reason mine is not showing that.  It does seem to be working though I captured a few daylight white screens and managed to get the ASI120 to link to PHD2. 

I need to have a run through and see if I can get things working all ok on a nighttime session now. 

thank you



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13 minutes ago, Elp said:

What software have you used? Both Firecapture and oacapture have preview panes open by default so you can see live what the camera is seeing.

I just have the basic astroberry setup right now.  It was the main Kstars page.  Linked to the polar alignment page on there and it showed me a preview capture of my ceiling.   It's the first time I have run it so just getting started.  :)


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On the desktop main menu bar, I think it's under education you'll find the main imaging apps. To start off with I'd recommend you use Firecapture or OAcapture, kstars and ekos has a bewildering amount of options to the beginner.

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Hello guys, did a re-work of Andromeda, shrank the stars a little then spent a little longer playing with layered images of differing backgrounds (thanks for the help with this Lee) and come up with the two results below.

The top one is purposely a little warmer although I think I prefer the latter. Always appreciate any comments, good or otherwise on my work. 1502097107_M31reprocessS1PSMpyastrofinal.thumb.png.fa0d38e9626a08178291c181e6797f6c.png



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24 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

Hello guys, did a re-work of Andromeda, shrank the stars a little then spent a little longer playing with layered images of differing backgrounds (thanks for the help with this Lee) and come up with the two results below.

The top one is purposely a little warmer although I think I prefer the latter. Always appreciate any comments, good or otherwise on my work. 1502097107_M31reprocessS1PSMpyastrofinal.thumb.png.fa0d38e9626a08178291c181e6797f6c.png



Looking amazing Steve 👌I agree the second is the better but it's all in the eye, keep adding data to it when you can it's a stunning target 

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56 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

Looking amazing Steve 👌I agree the second is the better but it's all in the eye, keep adding data to it when you can it's a stunning target 


8 minutes ago, Elp said:

I like the warmer one, then again when I processed mine recently it was also a warm tone.

Thanks guys, I think if I add another 60-90 minutes to it I will get it to where I want to be. When I think about what I was doing only 3 months since to getting here I have to pat myself on the back.

Process is to run through Siril using for auto processes, do a star mask before saving as a PNG. Then final process is tweaking in Gimp and Py-astro tools. 

With py-astro there is a tool called Neutralise sky colour. I created a layer using that and then used the opacity slider to blend it into the warmer image. That is how I got the two images, one quite aggressively applied, the other more subtle.

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6 minutes ago, Ratlet said:

You're a one man argument against telling people to go for a heq5!  You get a phenomenal amount of bang out of the az-gti. 

Many thanks, I often wonder why such larger mounts are always recommended, sure they're good for larger heavier scopes and longer FLs but most people just want to view or take images with a modest budget which satisfy them (which I do), with this mount (which I chose because it was one of the cheapest goto and the most compact) I haven't seen the need to use another even though I have a gem28 too which hardly gets used. It also frustrates that people are commending the new SW GTI or ioptron, sure they're an all in one package, but the azgtis been out for years and is more than capable and much cheaper. The quality can vary I suppose but I've got two, and they both perform admirably, and I'll be using them until they decide to give up, and then probably replace with a new one. Certainly one of the best astro purchases I've made and I'm sure other members will also agree.

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That's so true, especially as modern sensors work very well with short subs, so no need to get a heavy mount capable of 5 minutes unguided, for a small scope anyway. I am flipping and flopping between the AZGTi and the SAGTi at the moment - not totally sure the SAGTi adds value...

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18 minutes ago, Elp said:

Many thanks, I often wonder why such larger mounts are always recommended, sure they're good for larger heavier scopes and longer FLs but most people just want to view or take images with a modest budget which satisfy them (which I do), with this mount (which I chose because it was one of the cheapest goto and the most compact) I haven't seen the need to use another even though I have a gem28 too which hardly gets used. It also frustrates that people are commending the new SW GTI or ioptron, sure they're an all in one package, but the azgtis been out for years and is more than capable and much cheaper. The quality can vary I suppose but I've got two, and they both perform admirably, and I'll be using them until they decide to give up, and then probably replace with a new one. Certainly one of the best astro purchases I've made and I'm sure other members will also agree.

I second this whole heartedly 👍


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13 hours ago, AstroNebulee said:

I second this whole heartedly 👍

I certainly "third" it !!! There is an underlining traditional theory that purists insist on an HEQ5 as "an absolute minimum" set up for astro photography . In reality , as this thread proves , and indeed for people using other AZ goto mounts photographing the planets and stars is very much achievable , with top results from our smaller rigs . 


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15 hours ago, Ratlet said:

You're a one man argument against telling people to go for a heq5!  You get a phenomenal amount of bang out of the az-gti. 

I dunno, I think there are a few of us who could make a good argument for the AZ GTI image.thumb.png.c0bbea48893804bda5a7072a12f36547.png

15 hours ago, Ags said:

That's so true, especially as modern sensors work very well with short subs, so no need to get a heavy mount capable of 5 minutes unguided, for a small scope anyway. I am flipping and flopping between the AZGTi and the SAGTi at the moment - not totally sure the SAGTi adds value...

I think when it comes to the AZGTI vs the SAGTI I think its worth remembering that the SAGTI just works for this out of the box, alot of people will be put off by the thought of having to update the firmware, mess around getting a wedge etc etc. I can see the appeal of the SAGTI and I will probably add one to my collection when the initial rush calms down/a good second hand deal comes up. 

I also have an EQ6 and other heavier scopes, when you want that higher resolution or more focal length etc then they really do come into their own. I bought my GTI primarily for the ability to take it with me when we go on holiday or star parties I think a lot of people fall into this bracket.

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On 15/08/2022 at 14:35, TerraC said:

Brilliant i'm connected.  Was looking at an online tutorial with a different camera. he had a live preview page but for some reason mine is not showing that.  It does seem to be working though I captured a few daylight white screens and managed to get the ASI120 to link to PHD2. 

I need to have a run through and see if I can get things working all ok on a nighttime session now. 

thank you



I used to use PHD with astroberry for this exact reason, my T7C (ASI120 clone) never seemed to work with EKOS. I can't remember what I needed to change exactly to get the guidecam to work in EKOS I will have a look later, one thing I do know if I connect it to a USB 3 port (the blue ones for those of a less techie disposition) EKOS wont take an image even though it connects, it has to be on a USB 2 port (the black ones).

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18 minutes ago, geeks said:

I used to use PHD with astroberry for this exact reason, my T7C (ASI120 clone) never seemed to work with EKOS. I can't remember what I needed to change exactly to get the guidecam to work in EKOS I will have a look later, one thing I do know if I connect it to a USB 3 port (the blue ones for those of a less techie disposition) EKOS wont take an image even though it connects, it has to be on a USB 2 port (the black ones).

Ahh Interesting.  I'll give that a try.  I was using it on a Pi400 in the blue usb3 ports.  

I did get it to make a few captures but I couldnt get it to live view. 

hopefully if the weather plays ball I may get chance to try it on Friday night. 



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8 hours ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

I certainly "third" it !!! There is an underlining traditional theory that purists insist on an HEQ5 as "an absolute minimum" set up for astro photography . In reality , as this thread proves , and indeed for people using other AZ goto mounts photographing the planets and stars is very much achievable , with top results from our smaller rigs . 


inline with the rest of you on this. I have often seen people say in the getting started with imaging section that the mount is where you should sink all your money, I think this is clearly not the case but depending on your overall ambitions this definitely needs a lot of consideration.

If like me your happy with a 50mm (ish) OTA as your main scope in a wider field configuration and expects it to remain so, then I see no real reason to go to huge expense of big heavy duty mounts, the AZ Gti should be on your shortlist. If however your expecting to upgrade to a 200PDS or similar then it's another thing entirely.

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Exactly, you don't need a massive scope (though they're nice to have and resolve detail more and quicker sometimes). Even now I put consideration into the whole setup being portable, portable meaning you could carry it a fair distance on your back or away on holiday, not lifting it from spot X to spot Y.

Edited by Elp
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Hi, AZ GTi owners and experts.

Sorry to interrupt this discussion with a basic question but I have been using this mount with a Skymax 127 and have been slightly underwhelmed with the Go-To accuracy after alignment and the subsequent tracking of objects.

I am using it with a TalentCell as recommended on here.

Have checked my auto location Lat/Long with google maps and its very accurate. Once aligned by using Altair and Arcturus, using Go-To to find Saturn, it only just puts it in the eyepiece (the included 25mm) and needs further adjustment to centre. Is this acceptable?  

Leaving it to track sees Saturn disappear from the field of view after only 4/5mins

Can I ask; do I need to adjust my set up method or just my expectations? 

I have noticed the spirit level bubble in the mount doesn't match the tripod bubble at all!

I have also noticed a decent amount of flex in the mount (housing flexes in all vertical directions around the mount to tripod base plate) which lets the mount sag towards the telescope.


Thanks everyone 

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On 13/08/2022 at 14:23, CKP said:

Is there a way to improve the traffic accuracy? I guess the only way to do a more accurate polar alignment would be to do the eq mod?

I'd suggest checking whether your moun thinks it is on daylight saving or not for one. And resolve the level using a good spirit level to see which is nearer to true (mount or trpod) and that the base of the mount has a good connection with the tripod.




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1 hour ago, Yubnub said:

Hi, AZ GTi owners and experts.

Sorry to interrupt this discussion with a basic question but I have been using this mount with a Skymax 127 and have been slightly underwhelmed with the Go-To accuracy after alignment and the subsequent tracking of objects.

I am using it with a TalentCell as recommended on here.

Have checked my auto location Lat/Long with google maps and its very accurate. Once aligned by using Altair and Arcturus, using Go-To to find Saturn, it only just puts it in the eyepiece (the included 25mm) and needs further adjustment to centre. Is this acceptable?  

Leaving it to track sees Saturn disappear from the field of view after only 4/5mins

Can I ask; do I need to adjust my set up method or just my expectations? 

I have noticed the spirit level bubble in the mount doesn't match the tripod bubble at all!

I have also noticed a decent amount of flex in the mount (housing flexes in all vertical directions around the mount to tripod base plate) which lets the mount sag towards the telescope.


Thanks everyone 

How are you doing your alignment procedure? North level, 2 star, 3 star?  Generally North level alignment works best 


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