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Everything posted by Yubnub

  1. using the included tripod. the flex is all in the mount components. the interface between mount and tripod is rock solid.
  2. Hi, AZ GTi owners and experts. Sorry to interrupt this discussion with a basic question but I have been using this mount with a Skymax 127 and have been slightly underwhelmed with the Go-To accuracy after alignment and the subsequent tracking of objects. I am using it with a TalentCell as recommended on here. Have checked my auto location Lat/Long with google maps and its very accurate. Once aligned by using Altair and Arcturus, using Go-To to find Saturn, it only just puts it in the eyepiece (the included 25mm) and needs further adjustment to centre. Is this acceptable? Leaving it to track sees Saturn disappear from the field of view after only 4/5mins Can I ask; do I need to adjust my set up method or just my expectations? I have noticed the spirit level bubble in the mount doesn't match the tripod bubble at all! I have also noticed a decent amount of flex in the mount (housing flexes in all vertical directions around the mount to tripod base plate) which lets the mount sag towards the telescope. Thanks everyone
  3. The ADM GTi adaptor has been out of stock for a while and now comes back with 50% price hike! ...Are there any decent alternatives out there?
  4. Fantastic! thank you so much! I'm convinced this is the right set up but I dont want to pull the rigger with FLO just yet as I'm curious to see what the classifieds here has to offer.... not been a member long enough so waiting it out...after all, there's no hurry.
  5. I cant help but feel, as well as the SW 127 on the GTi being slightly cheaper than the Celestron DX5, it's also delivering so much more!
  6. Fortunately, they are all fun hobbies and skills to pass down (that's what I tell myself anyway)
  7. and fly-fishing, shooting, golf, mountain biking, DIY, car maintenance... the list goes on for me 😱
  8. So true! ...but by my man maths, my 1year old son can have this setup in a few (4?) years and I can get the roof converted to take the observatory 😆
  9. Ah OK... i did get a similar Bresser as a suggestion but it would nail the budget just for the OTA alone
  10. Really sorry to kasabian21 for hijacking this thread... totally forgot it was yours ☺️
  11. wow some serious kit out there....seems there is a solution for everything
  12. oooh cool idea! you'd want it to be semi universal to cover other makes too....hmmmm
  13. Wow, that's some useful knowledge thank you. Do you work for Sky Watcher? 😆
  14. My problem is trying to get it right first time to avoid added cost with a compromised setup ...I forget sometimes that I just need to buy something and get the experience!
  15. I think some of these companies have very clever product managers that know exactly what to include and not include to get the budget growing. If only that OTA came on that mount..etc!
  16. haha tell me about it. Too much to make an easy decision!
  17. Is the RDF really that useless? What benefits does the right angle finder have?
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