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What did you see tonight?


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Wasn’t it just great to get a little bit of observing last night following weeks of nothing. Clouds kept drifting across frequently, which resulted in a real tour of whatever was clear with the binos. Like many have mentioned, I too kept coming back to M42 and towards the end of the mini grab and go session, it looked really crisp with the wings extending a little further than earlier in the night. 
Typically there looks to be a couple of nights that appear to be good this week, just when I’ll be back at work. We’ll have to see if it does materialise, the forecast last night was for 100% cloud. 

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Had a nice session with my 10yr old daughter before bed last night. The Met Office app did forecast some clear sky’s so it wasn’t a surprise, although not before a heavy shower. Maybe it’s just me but some of the better seeing seems to occur immediately after rain.

Since last year and due to the weather, it was the first time we could get a good look at Orion. While the telescope was cooling we used our binoculars to do a little tour of the region around Orion. The Hyades cluster looked fab as did the Pleiades. In fact I’d say that the Hyades looks best in binoculars. She’s starting to know Orion and its stars quite well and it was interesting giving her instructions on star hopping. Binoculars are a great way to teach and learn your way around the sky. They also allow your eyes to get use to the dark without hanging around getting bored which is definitely an issue with children. Well, adults too.

Finished off by observing the Orion Nebula in the telescope. Seeing was decent even for Southampton although terminated a little early as some clouds rolled in. But just before that we were treated to a bright meteor with an orange glow to end the night.

All, in all about 1 hr 45 mins of observing which is plenty for a 10 yr old. And it wasn’t even cold which does help too.

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20 minutes ago, PeterStudz said:

Maybe it’s just me but some of the better seeing seems to occur immediately after rain.

I think that transparency is better after rain has washed out any dust/particulates out of  the air. If this is truly the case, the air above me must be VERY clean!

Mind you, it looks promising for the next few nights. And I've got this week off work! 🥳

I have some winter Messier objects I still need to knock off my list. A few are too low to be able to be seen from my back garden, but I have hopes for M78 and around Monoceros.

Edited by Pixies
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All forecasts say clear tonight. Will get the scopes out later, as I don't normally start to 10:30pm at the earliest (once all my animal and childcare tasks are complete).

But I'm taking no chances - so a quick bino-tour before dinner. M31, M36, M38, double-cluster, Pleiades, Alpha Persei Moving Group, Hyades, Jupiter and moons.

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Wonderfully clear this evening. Have just for the first time ever observed Mercury to the east of a beautifully thin crescent moon in 8x bins. Finally I know what kind of mag and position it can get to, there is a chance I could get a scope aimed at if conditions allow. Saturn and Jupiter also in the parade, super stuff.

Extremely chuffed, just Pluto to go now. 

Edited by IB20
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Lovely start to this evening. Clear Outside is looking promising for tonight so I was poking around on Stellarium earlier and noticed that there was a nice set of objects up for grabs after sunset. I was fortunate to have a nice clear horizon this evening. The main objective was Mercury which is something I've seen on very few occasions.

It took some time for me to pick out the Moon but once I'd spotted that I fetched the 10x50s out for a better look. Scanning the clouds near to the horizon I was quite surprised to get a really clear view of the crescent Venus lying on its back. I've never seen it like that before and was really surprised that the 10x50s showed it so clearly. The distant clouds may have even helped by cutting down the light a little.

Next Jupiter popped into view. I can't say that the view through the 10x50s was much to write home about but never mind.

Scanning upwards and slightly right from the Moon I eventually managed to spot Saturn... again not one of the best views.

After several attempts I finally managed to pick up Mercury in between Venus and the Moon.

I hung around for a good while just enjoying the deep dark blue sky merging into the orange lower down. Venus stayed visible for a suprisingly long time, peeping through quite a decent amount of distant low cloud.

Hoping for clear skies after tea to make it worth dragging the SP102 out.

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With my 1x magnification 👀 the crescent moon, Jupiter, Pleiades and Orion rising. It is looking excellent tonight and I have a long list of nebulas and clusters to go through. Dob cooling down soon and after tea start with the observing. I will report tomorrow. 

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I've been cluster-hunting with Mrs Smartie, who loves her OCs.

M37/38/36/NGC 1907 in Auriga. Double cluster, M34, NGC 1342 in Perseus.

Chucked in a quick look at M33 in Triangulum and a definite but unimpressive positive ID of NGC 1023 Perseus, now after a hot drink I'm off to see if I can find the emission nebula NGC 1491 and the OCs NGC 1528/1582. 

It's great just to be able to see something again!

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Good start here - first target with the 12 inch dobsonian is Uranus. Well placed, easy to find and it's moons Titania and Oberon were visible without too much trouble at 338x. Hoping to pick up Ariel and Umbriel once I get my eye in gear. Feels like mag 15 should be possible tonight.

Refractors are lovely but it's a good night to have some aperture out there :grin:


Edited by John
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27 minutes ago, John said:

Good start here - first target with the 12 inch dobsonian is Uranus. Well placed, easy to find and it's moons Titania and Oberon were visible without too much trouble at 338x. Hoping to pick up Ariel and Umbriel once I get my eye in gear. Feels like mag 15 should be possible tonight.

Refractors are lovely but it's a good night to have some aperture out there :grin:


That's a nice clutch of clusters Mr. Smartie.

Great John. I've yet to see Uranus' moons. ☹️

This afternoon was lovely here. An icey nip in the air and cloud free clear skies. Those 35k ft planes were glistening. Dead on 5pm the clouds rolled. There's hail hitting the windows now but breaks are forecast later so the 15x70s are on standby. High hopes for tomorrow. Two from three forecasts are cold and dry through to Thursday morning and I'm off!

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It's an absolutely beautiful clear night here, best for literally months!

But it's also Brrrraassic cold too! Having had a civilised chat with my wife, I've very reluctantly agreed to be sensible after enduring two weeks of flu like misery over Christmas and New Year, and so I'm staying in😝🥴..

I know it's the sensible thing to do, as I still am very "chesty", but I can't deny it really hurts to pass up a night like tonight..if only we could bank nights like this! I can hear Trinity the Tak and my new Pentax XW30 calling to me...

I sense the enthusiasm of all you who are already outside, and I really hope you are having the conditions we have here tonight..

So, wrap up really well and let us who won't be out tonight have your highlights and reports please👍.


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Unfortunately it looks like Metcheck was spot on here, while CO and Meteoblue were off.

Beautiful while I was setting up, but low cloud appeared at 20.00 and has been 40-80% since then.

Did manage some good views of M42, and my companion saw a bright meteor while I had my head down, possibly a Quadrantid. Seeing seems to be good, I've split 32 Orionis, possibly 52 Orionis.

Will keep the scope out in hope.

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I couldn’t resist, even with covid, I have had to try my new Tak 76DCU & 7XW tonight. After 20 mins of not being able to focus with any eyepiece, I removed some adapter and bingo everything could focus, PHEW, I was bobbing it for a minute there.

It is so extremely cold and pretty blustery but my first views of star-fields were breathtaking, the contrast of the views is staggering. Stars look like perfectly round pearls on black velvet, it’s relatively light polluted at this time around here too. The 7XW is so comfortable to use and it’s a gem of an eyepiece. M42 was incredible, the nebulosity was so defined, the trapezium showing as four perfect orbs of light - astounding. I managed to split Rigel with the 9mm BGO (63x), the split was given up so easily, amazing I thought considering the windy conditions.

Wanted a crack at Sirius but it was taking its time appearing above the hedges, another time, as the cold and fatigue finally won over. 

I am going to have so much fun with this scope, roll on clear skies! Kicking myself I didn’t get the 5 & 10XW now…


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14 minutes ago, Dark Vader said:

... Trapezium E&F faint but very steady. 

They are showing well tonight.

Not sure if the seeing is quite good enough to split Sirius tonight but I'll wait until it shows above the rooftops and give it a try anyway.


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42 minutes ago, IB20 said:

I couldn’t resist, even with covid, I have had to try my new Tak 76DCU & 7XW tonight. After 20 mins of not being able to focus with any eyepiece, I removed some adapter and bingo everything could focus, PHEW, I was bobbing it for a minute there.

It is so extremely cold and pretty blustery but my first views of star-fields were breathtaking, the contrast of the views is staggering. Stars look like perfectly round pearls on black velvet, it’s relatively light polluted at this time around here too. The 7XW is so comfortable to use and it’s a gem of an eyepiece. M42 was incredible, the nebulosity was so defined, the trapezium showing as four perfect orbs of light - astounding. I managed to split Rigel with the 9mm BGO (63x), the split was given up so easily, amazing I thought considering the windy conditions.

Wanted a crack at Sirius but it was taking its time appearing above the hedges, another time, as the cold and fatigue finally won over. 

I am going to have so much fun with this scope, roll on clear skies! Kicking myself I didn’t get the 5 & 10XW now…


Sounds fab, and very different to my experience with the same combo tonight. Seeing very poor here, so the views weren’t great at anything like high power. Nice low and mid power views though. Glad you had better skies 👍

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Was out last night. All apps said a clear night except Clear Outside - which said high clouds arriving at midnight.

Started on M42. Lots of nebulosity visible (200mm dob and various EPs). Oiii filter showed wide circular arms but the unfiltered view appeared to show more 'texture' around the Trapezium. Speaking of which, I managed both E and F, the former steady but the latter was blinking in and out. Seeing was good but the view over a terrace of old Georgian houses and their poorly insulated roofs made for less-than-perfect views in that direction.

Had a shot at M78 - which is another one off the list now. A pair of headlights in fog, as others have described it.

Down to Rigel, which was easily split at x75. I then spent quite a bit of time on Sirius, looking for the pup. No luck though - it was dancing around in the heat distortions. I hoped it might settle down if I waited until the small hours.

However, it turned out that Clear Outside was correct. High hazy clouds arrived and spoiled the party. I managed some time on NGC 2392 but that was it. I could have gone looking for double-stars, but had underestimated the cold and (as usual) not prepared for the first proper cold night of the season. Still, nice to be out under a decent sky for a change.

Also saw the 5% waxing crescent Moon this evening. Got the kids off their electronic devices to come and look at it; standing on a table in the garden!


Looks clear for a bit tonight, but I'm too tired and tomorrow looks good!

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Had a tour of the sky earlier with the 10x50's , got M31 ,mesmerized again by M45, I also find Hyades to be beautiful to look at. Popped over to M42  and then had a look for some others, think I had a faint glimpse of M35.

Moved over to the mak127 for a look at M42 with the UHC in, best i've seen it tonight 🙂. Thought I would have a go at splitting some doubles for the first time but failed miserably, tried both Rigel and Mintaka up to 214x with no joy, anyone any thoughts on why this would be?

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4 minutes ago, JDF said:

Had a tour of the sky earlier with the 10x50's , got M31 ,mesmerized again by M45, I also find Hyades to be beautiful to look at. Popped over to M42  and then had a look for some others, think I had a faint glimpse of M35.

Moved over to the mak127 for a look at M42 with the UHC in, best i've seen it tonight 🙂. Thought I would have a go at splitting some doubles for the first time but failed miserably, tried both Rigel and Mintaka up to 214x with no joy, anyone any thoughts on why this would be?

Have you split Rigel before? It's a while since I've looked at it, but if my memory serves me right, the B component is very dim and easily overwhelmed by the primary star. You almost need to know you're looking at it to see it.

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17 minutes ago, John said:

They are showing well tonight.

Not sure if the seeing is quite good enough to split Sirius tonight but I'll wait until it shows above the rooftops and give it a try anyway.


That one will be behind next doors trees for another hour yet. Been out 4 hours & getting very cold now... lightweight!! 🥶

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1 minute ago, Orange Smartie said:

Have you split Rigel before? It's a while since I've looked at it, but if my memory serves me right, the B component is very dim and easily overwhelmed by the primary star. You almost need to know you're looking at it to see it.

No never tried splitting any doubles before, reading a few of the other posts from tonight Rigel seems to split at lower mags, did I possibly jump in to high starting with the 10mm ortho at 150x

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