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Whats your thoughts on NINA?


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I have been using APT for a few years but have had afew problems with it just recently. Im about to wipe my laptop to reload the software to see if that clears the problem but somebody said try NINA. What are yoyr thoughts on it and does it have any problems?

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I had a love/hate relationship with NINA, I really wanted to use it as the features and set up were perfect.

what I hated was the guiding integration on auto run, now I’m 100% sure it was operator error (it always is) but most of the suggestions I got to get around the issue were about starting guiding outside of Nina and then starting the auto run/plan. That indeed worked but that takes the “auto” out of auto run, after losing way too many precious clear night hours experimenting & not imaging I threw in the towel and went back to the safety of APT.

I’m sure my response will be responded to saying how you do this and do that, as I say I’m sure it’s 100% user error as I genuinely think NINA is a terrific application, just not for me. I’ve now simplified (because I’m simple) and gone the Asiair path so far with limited use it just WORKS, with limited time window before weather closed in Im up and running fully guided in minutes so far it does enough for me, Just my thoughts and experience.

clear skies 👍


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17 minutes ago, Newforestgimp said:

think NINA is a terrific application, just not for me. I’ve now simplified (because I’m simple) and gone the Asiair path so far with limited use it just WORKS, with limited time window before weather closed in Im up and running fully guided in minutes so far it does enough for me, Just my thoughts and experience.

clear skies 👍


No, i think this is an excellent reason to not use NINA. In fact i believe there are none better than yours. If the AsiairPro just works, then go with that, i wish i could but my budget just cant handle that.

In my opinion the optimal astrophotography rig is the one that gives you the least chance of balding overnight.

Now i am already bald, but you get the point. Normal day-to-day operations with a telescope should not be frustrating or annoying, if they are there is a good chance you will not enjoy it and just drop the hobby. The ideal build is a) one that you can afford, b) one that is easy to use with a mobile device anywhere, c) effective. And i believe in that order if you are a mobile astrophotographer.

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28 minutes ago, dodgerroger said:

I moved to Nina from apt before the latter had the autofocus capability. I won’t go back now it is excellent. I am still using version 1.10 as I found the nightly builds a bug fest. 

I started after 1.0 and i will say that i have not seen a single bug of any kind, for what its worth.

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2 hours ago, bottletopburly said:

What problem are you having with APT .

I have used APT for years and got so used to it that when my laptop had a fit I couldnt get APT back see my mount. I have sorted it now ( i think ! ) but as a back up i downloaded NINA. I think I have got NINA working but Im still torn to go back to APt as its what I know.

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1 hour ago, Newforestgimp said:

I had a love/hate relationship with NINA, I really wanted to use it as the features and set up were perfect.

what I hated was the guiding integration on auto run, now I’m 100% sure it was operator error (it always is) but most of the suggestions I got to get around the issue were about starting guiding outside of Nina and then starting the auto run/plan. That indeed worked but that takes the “auto” out of auto run, after losing way too many precious clear night hours experimenting & not imaging I threw in the towel and went back to the safety of APT.

I’m sure my response will be responded to saying how you do this and do that, as I say I’m sure it’s 100% user error as I genuinely think NINA is a terrific application, just not for me. I’ve now simplified (because I’m simple) and gone the Asiair path so far with limited use it just WORKS, with limited time window before weather closed in Im up and running fully guided in minutes so far it does enough for me, Just my thoughts and experience.

clear skies 👍


Think I will be heading back to APT, I will give NINA a try but APT is like an old friend, not perfect but always there. ( well nearly always there ).

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1 hour ago, simmo39 said:

Think I will be heading back to APT, I will give NINA a try but APT is like an old friend, not perfect but always there. ( well nearly always there ).

I really like APT, paid up user and all…. I planned to still use it at home base but I’ve  had a taste of wireless and I LIKE IT !!

If I was more of a software installation guru id definitely go the mini pc/RPi  route and use RDP from tablet or smartphone and use any application. Maybe I will one day but for now Asiair will do me for now.

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Until last week I used a paid licence of SGP. For quite some time (years in one case) I have been waiting for improvements in dome-control within SGP, but they never arrived. Then a few weeks ago I found it impossible to move the dome correctly for a new scope on my rig. I was then advised to try NINA and never touched SGP again. When I first tried NINA the dome-control was still not doing what I wished, but that was solved within a week after some extensive correspondence with the programmers, and it is now working like a charm! Yep, that is correct: SOLVED WITHIN A WEEK!

Indeed, the advanced sequencer is a steep learning curve, but the nice thing is that a basic sequencer can be converted to an advanced one by a single mouse-click, which helps tremendously in understanding the advanced sequencer. Once you understand it, the advanced sequencer is very cool!

So my advise is: If you want real service and progress, go NINA! 🙂


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13 minutes ago, inFINNity Deck said:

Until last week I used a paid licence of SGP. For quite some time (years in one case) I have been waiting for improvements in dome-control within SGP, but they never arrived. Then a few weeks ago I found it impossible to move the dome correctly for a new scope on my rig. I was then advised to try NINA and never touched SGP again. When I first tried NINA the dome-control was still not doing what I wished, but that was solved within a week after some extensive correspondence with the programmers, and it is now working like a charm! Yep, that is correct: SOLVED WITHIN A WEEK!

Indeed, the advanced sequencer is a steep learning curve, but the nice thing is that a basic sequencer can be converted to an advanced one by a single mouse-click, which helps tremendously in understanding the advanced sequencer. Once you understand it, the advanced sequencer is very cool!

So my advise is: If you want real service and progress, go NINA! 🙂


Yes, I think SGP need to up there game to compete with the FREE NINA software…👍🏼

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41 minutes ago, inFINNity Deck said:

Until last week I used a paid licence of SGP. For quite some time (years in one case) I have been waiting for improvements in dome-control within SGP, but they never arrived. Then a few weeks ago I found it impossible to move the dome correctly for a new scope on my rig. I was then advised to try NINA and never touched SGP again. When I first tried NINA the dome-control was still not doing what I wished, but that was solved within a week after some extensive correspondence with the programmers, and it is now working like a charm! Yep, that is correct: SOLVED WITHIN A WEEK!

Indeed, the advanced sequencer is a steep learning curve, but the nice thing is that a basic sequencer can be converted to an advanced one by a single mouse-click, which helps tremendously in understanding the advanced sequencer. Once you understand it, the advanced sequencer is very cool!

So my advise is: If you want real service and progress, go NINA! 🙂


Yes, have to agree Nina support is really good 👍 

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I am in the middle of moving from KStars/Indi on an RPI to NINA on a small PC 

so far its just been a learning curve finding where everything is and how to see what you want but I am very impressed.

The sequencer works very well I have had no issues with tracking and the plate solve is ligthening fast 

I like the fact the screen is so customisable so you can choose what is important for you to see and erros reporting is very good when you have done something wrong ( quite often for me)

so far so good for me

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6 hours ago, Newforestgimp said:

I had a love/hate relationship with NINA, I really wanted to use it as the features and set up were perfect.

what I hated was the guiding integration on auto run, now I’m 100% sure it was operator error (it always is) but most of the suggestions I got to get around the issue were about starting guiding outside of Nina and then starting the auto run/plan. That indeed worked but that takes the “auto” out of auto run, after losing way too many precious clear night hours experimenting & not imaging I threw in the towel and went back to the safety of APT.

I’m sure my response will be responded to saying how you do this and do that, as I say I’m sure it’s 100% user error as I genuinely think NINA is a terrific application, just not for me. I’ve now simplified (because I’m simple) and gone the Asiair path so far with limited use it just WORKS, with limited time window before weather closed in Im up and running fully guided in minutes so far it does enough for me, Just my thoughts and experience.

clear skies 👍


@Newforestgimp I'd love to give NINA a shot but it seems a very steep learning curve, especially as i'm very new to all this. I also use the ASIair & its perfect. I can be up & running within 10mins of setting my gear up & it just does what its supposed to do with no issues at all (i've obviously cursed it now 😒)


Edited by nephilim
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Well I was bored whilst waiting for a video to upload to Youtube, so I downloaded NINA onto the Observatory PC and started to have a play, and ran into my first big problem.

I image with a modified Canon D400, and it's nice to see that NINA has native support for this camera.  So you would presume it knows about the connectivity and exposure quirks the 400D has.  This is that for exposures of 30s or less it uses the USB for shutter control, for anything above it uses a serial shutter release cable.  In the hardware set up I have set the option to use COM9 which is the port the shutter release cable is attached to, but if I try and take any exposures over 30s it pops up a warning to set the dial mode to bulb.... which it is as nothing has changed since it was last used with APT and APT works fine....

I've looked through the camera settings in NINA and can't find any other option or reference to mode settings....  So at the moment it's not looking like a glowing review when actually used in anger :)

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And the only support seems to be via discords and I've been waiting ages for a text to verify the account, despite trying it with the zeros and without...... 

Well I managed to get in by setting up an account on Discord and then pasting the invite in (Discord newbie !) once verified by email.  Have posted the question and see what comes back.  I can see why it fails as it works (and has done for 10 years) with APT....

Edited by malc-c
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23 minutes ago, newbie alert said:

I use both APT and NINA.. I use the framing and auto focus in NINA and APT for the actual capture..Nina seems all over the place, APT is simple


I was thinking on similar lines. May use Nina just for framing.

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25 minutes ago, newbie alert said:

I use both APT and NINA.. I use the framing and auto focus in NINA and APT for the actual capture..Nina seems all over the place, APT is simple


I agree, APT (and I'm running an old version) does what I need.  NINA seems a good application, and I found my way around the sections and application settings quite easy.  But for me it just doesn't work with my camera, even though serial connections have been provided.

What's needed is an application that has EQMOD built in, PHD2 built in, an imaging section like APT / BYEOS / MAXIM / PIXINSIGHT, and a planetarium option built in rather then having them as linked standalone applications.  Or have them as services that run in the background, but configurable through the one application.

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15 minutes ago, malc-c said:

I agree, APT (and I'm running an old version) does what I need.  NINA seems a good application, and I found my way around the sections and application settings quite easy.  But for me it just doesn't work with my camera, even though serial connections have been provided.

What's needed is an application that has EQMOD built in, PHD2 built in, an imaging section like APT / BYEOS / MAXIM / PIXINSIGHT, and a planetarium option built in rather then having them as linked standalone applications.  Or have them as services that run in the background, but configurable through the one application.

@malc-c This is why I use the ASIair Pro. I've only just started AP & I was up & running within 10mins of having my gear set up the very first time with no issues whatsoever & managed to acquire an image I was very happy with considering it was my first attempt (Image attached). For now it does everything I need it to do & i'm not messing around with several pieces of software trying to get them all to play nicely together. I appreciate there will be a lot more inHubblestarsIC1396.thumb.png.44fc31eaeebb92711da8e46d2963d0b5.png NINA for the more advanced/ experienced imager but for a 'newbie' my set up works well.
I did try AP several years ago & found it totally overwhelming with all the different applications I needed, having sub optimal kit also didn't help. So now all my planning & imaging is done with the ASIair & all my stacking, calibration & processing is done in PI & it all works well together.


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