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Welcome to the IKI Observatory


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Joining in, like others, to say that this is a great idea and many thanks for FLO / IKI for making this happen.  Thank you.  Can get to fully learning how to drive PI and get an image out of it.

One side of me thinks that this is fully altruistic endeavour....then the ever present cynic thinks this is plot by staff at FLO to be able to get away every month or so to some warmer and clearer climes to 'check on the equipment' and 'bring back a few supplies (duty free) 😉 and seeing as Exeter airport is only just down the road...….need I say more??? 😁

Just putting it out there that if you need anyone to carry bags, turn screwdrivers, pour sangria for you, I am only a few miles down the A38 and happy to come along and help.

Back to serious, thanks again FLO and IK for being great as always

Edited by Shelster1973
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On 20/11/2019 at 11:52, FLO said:

We announced the IKI (Ikarus Imaging) observatory project at the IAS show at the weekend but wanted to share the news here publicly with you all as well.

The IKI Observatory is going to be a remotely hosted astronomy setup in Castilléjar, Spain at https://www.pixelskiesastro.com/. FLO / Ikarus Imaging are sending out a setup in partnership with Optolong Filters and Starlight Xpress. The projects purpose is to provide a community based remote setup that we can collaborate on here on SGL - the data will be made publicly available free of charge and the targets will be chosen here on the forum. Time will be dedicated to scientific projects as well so we will be looking for suggestions for how we can use this and make it available to you all. The project will also be used to test and show case equipment so we anticipate swapping bits and pieces around every so often.

Here is the list of what is going over to Spain shortly:

  • StellaMira 104mm ED2 Triplet Refractor & Dedicated Flattener
  • 10Micron GM1000 Mount
  • Starlight Xpress 694, Lodestar X2, OAG and Filterwheel
  • Optolong LRGB / SHO 31mm Filters
  • Optec Flip-Flat
  • Lynx Astro Dew Controller & AstroZap Dew Heater Tapes
  • Astromi.ch Meteo Station
  • Lakeside Astro Motor Focus Controller
  • Pulsar Observatories Pier
  • Software - we are intending to use Sequence Generator Pro but we may trial other solutions as well.

We are expecting to to send over the equipment in the next few weeks and from there it will need to be setup and configured. We then plan to spend 2-3 weeks testing everything and ensuring all is well before we start making data available and accepting suggestions for targets / projects.

This is a new project, so things may need to be tweaked and changed but we welcome any thoughts / suggestions you all may have and hope this becomes a valuable community resource :)


Grant (on behalf of FLO / IKI)

Is there an estimated time for when this will all be set up and working? I guess there will also be a commissioning phase to test all the equipment.


Fantastic idea, Steve. Well done.




Edited by reddoss
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19 hours ago, reddoss said:

Is there an estimated time for when this will all be set up and working? I guess there will also be a commissioning phase to test all the equipment.

Grant & Ian are arranging the equipment be dispatched to Castilléjar in 1-2 weeks for installation early January. If the installation goes to plan we hope to be up and running late-Jan / early-Feb 🙂 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Everything is currently in transit on it's way to Spain - we hope it will arrive very soon and the chaps in Spain will have it all up and running for us 🙂 (No pressure Colin and Dave!).

We will be at AstroFest hopefully demonstrating the setup in Spain and some other new goodies!

From here on, we hope to post more regular updates as everything arrives in Spain and the setup begins.

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  • 3 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, Paul M said:

In the interest of inclusiveness, I assume that a minimum of bed and breakfast, swimming pool (heated in winter) and airport transfers will be provided for us visual only users?  😍🤣

and skis provided. 😁

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 03/01/2020 at 11:19, FLO said:

Everything is currently in transit on it's way to Spain - we hope it will arrive very soon and the chaps in Spain will have it all up and running for us 🙂 (No pressure Colin and Dave!).

We will be at AstroFest hopefully demonstrating the setup in Spain and some other new goodies!

From here on, we hope to post more regular updates as everything arrives in Spain and the setup begins.

Has it got to Spain yet? 

Regards Andrew 

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Exciting times FLO :hello2:

Just musing...

We're trying to do some planetary capture for schools, but most of the remote scopes are too big/have the wrong types of camera to effectively do planets (or they schedule over a long time and there's no immediacy).  Will your camera be fast enough frame to do lunar and planets?  And if so, would it be possible to do real-time views too?  Which leads me to another thought - could some time be set aside for EEVA?  There's another thread here on SGL about kids not doing visual, but in this country its a huge challenge for anyone to be able to plan for outreach for schools/kids.  If EEVA was available for booking then that would really fill a gap in the outreach market I think.  Imagine doing a Brownie group or after-school club where you control a telescope for 45 minutes, choose your targets, and get results to take home/emailed to you 🙂


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