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Hi from London


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Hi, sorry I forgot my netiquette and already posted elsewhere šŸ˜¬

Iā€™m Mark from SE London where the skies are bright and you can occasionally see a constellation or 2

40+ years ago my grandad showed me Saturn through his huge to me then telescope. It was such a strange sight I was convinced he was kidding me and had drawn it on the eyepiece! That was my only viewing through his scope unfortunately.

Back in the 90ā€™s something ignited an interest in the universe and I bought a little Tal AlcorĀ 65mm newt from Telescope House in London. It was a fantastic little thing and the views of the moon, Jupiter and Saturn were awe inspiring but life happened and I didnā€™t stick to the hobby for long. Still have that little scope though

I think it must have been the images of the black hole that re-ignited interest and I was soon owner of an old first version blue 4ā€ Tal-1m - the motorised equatorial mount appealed after the manual alt-az mount of the little Tal, and the views have been a real step up!

Now Iā€™ve gone and bought a huge 12ā€ mirror Ā šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø and am designing a dobsonian mount for it- dreaming of immersing myself in deep sky objects- those amazing galaxies and nebulae I keep seeing in beautifulĀ photographs that I dream of seeing with my own eyes. Canā€™t waitĀ (I know theyā€™re not going to look like the photos - maybe thatā€™s a future development of the hobby for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Baby steps at first)

Iā€™ve already learnt so much browsing this and other forums - thank you all šŸ™ Trying unsuccessfully to avoid spending too much on eyepieces and other paraphernalia ....


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Hi, Mark, and welcome to SGL.

Your post had me scurrying through a box of old stuff to find an old (1995) catalogue (or Bookalogue as they called it) from Telescope House. That little 65mm scope was surprisingly good! But no doubt your dob, once completed, will do better.

Enjoy the journey.

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Thanks all :)

Carole I'm in N Greenwich area most of the time- hoping to catch the Flamsteed Society at their next viewing meetup on Blackheath but they don't seem to have had one since April.

Demonperformer yes for its size it was meant to be a good performer and certainly impressed my naive eyes with the moon- beautiful! And yes "once completed"- that is the stumbling block at the moment- designing something is the easy bit ;)


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Welcome from Land Down Under

You travel the universe in this forum



Talking of the universe

Early next year, NASA is sending another rover to Mars

The attached link, you can register online, and print Boarding Pass, to have your name included on the rover




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Welcome to SGL Mark, Best of Luck with the build and Clear Skies of course...

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