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Mars, a brief GIF


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Mars, a brief GIF
With the conditions of seeing deteriorating rapidly I could not make a longer GIF, even so I think it can easily perceive the rotation of the planet.
Animation from 6 photos between 03:12 and 03:25 TU on August 13, 2018.
Setup of semore: C14 EDge + ASI 290MC + PM 2X + L filter
by Avani Soares

PS: A pity not being able to post an AVI that has much better quality than a GIF!


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Great detail, and even more impressive animated .

 I tried to create an animation  of Mars over a longer interval using WinJupos, but I can’t seem to figure out how to align the planet with the grid. Any tips there?  It’s so much easier to do with Saturn because of the rings. 

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Fantastic animation Avani. Like others I can’t believe the degree of rotation in just 13 mins! I just simulated it in SkySafari and (obviously!) got exactly the same result! It must make it very challenging to image, requiring short video runs to avoid blurring I guess?

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Hello Stu

20 hours ago, Stu said:

Fantástica animação Avani. Como outros, não posso acreditar no grau de rotação em apenas 13 minutos! Eu apenas simulei no SkySafari e (obviamente!) Obtive exatamente o mesmo resultado! Deve tornar muito difícil a imagem, exigindo pequenas execuções de vídeo para evitar o embaçamento, eu acho?

As I use colored camera my footage never exceeds 100 seconds. This time does not go so far as to drag the details

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