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Do you ever feel like you've wasted your money?


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My main hobby is mountain biking. I'm a Scottish mountain biker. There, I've said it, pity me. For all the weeks and weeks of slogging through axle deep mud every year, listening to the grit wear away all those expensive components, it only takes one dry, sunny day to remind me that yeah, I do actually love this hobby. I think my visual astronomy 'side hobby' has a similar vibe. I got Dobby about three years ago, and the first winter was fantastic. What felt like almost every other night was clear and bright, it was amazing. The last two winters have been very poor though. I've probably been lucky if I've been out in the back garden once or twice a month and now we're into spring, it's not getting properly dark till after 10pm...way past my bedtime on a work night. Then there's that idiot who's garden backs onto mine and who has fitted some sort of Gatwick runway light to the side of his house....

Like others have said, you've just got to persevere through the bad patches. Ride through the mud, but keep in mind that the good times will roll back round again. Currently, I'm planning on trying to capture images of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars with my smartphone connected to Dobby's eyepiece when they get to a suitable height in the spring sky, while also dreaming of short sleeved cycling jerseys and dare I say it......cycling shorts rather than thermal leggings!!!!


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1 hour ago, kirkster501 said:

Galaxy season is so far a write-off.

I never feel I have wasted it, no.  But I do often think about all that gear just sitting doing nothing for seemingly weeks at a time. 

Tell me about it.

I reconfigured my scopes, one for the Leo Triplet, the other for Markarian's Chain, thinking that with the school easter holls I'd be able to get *some* data without having to be up at stupid o/c for work.

Not a chance. I go back on Mon with nothing so far and little chance of anything until then. Forecast says it may improve next week. Typical :BangHead:.

Mind you, it's the families with kids home from school I feel for. They must be going nuts.

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1 hour ago, Beagleboy said:

Like others have said, you've just got to persevere through the bad patches. Ride through the mud, but keep in mind that the good times will roll back round again. Currently, I'm planning on trying to capture images of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars with my smartphone connected to Dobby's eyepiece when they get to a suitable height in the spring sky, while also dreaming of short sleeved cycling jerseys and dare I say it......cycling shorts rather than thermal leggings!!!!


Yep I'm looking forward to that aspect to, short sleeved cycling jersey, etc. Having other interests and hobbies ensures that you are kept occupied.

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6 hours ago, Beagleboy said:

My main hobby is mountain biking. I'm a Scottish mountain biker. There, I've said it, pity me. For all the weeks and weeks of slogging through axle deep mud every year, listening to the grit wear away all those expensive components, it only takes one dry, sunny day to remind me that yeah, I do actually love this hobby. I think my visual astronomy 'side hobby' has a similar vibe. I got Dobby about three years ago, and the first winter was fantastic. What felt like almost every other night was clear and bright, it was amazing. The last two winters have been very poor though. I've probably been lucky if I've been out in the back garden once or twice a month and now we're into spring, it's not getting properly dark till after 10pm...way past my bedtime on a work night. Then there's that idiot who's garden backs onto mine and who has fitted some sort of Gatwick runway light to the side of his house....

Like others have said, you've just got to persevere through the bad patches. Ride through the mud, but keep in mind that the good times will roll back round again. Currently, I'm planning on trying to capture images of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars with my smartphone connected to Dobby's eyepiece when they get to a suitable height in the spring sky, while also dreaming of short sleeved cycling jerseys and dare I say it......cycling shorts rather than thermal leggings!!!!


Appreciate your point (as a road biker ;) ).  However, your analogy is not strictly correct because whilst I'd always prefer to ride in the nice sunny zephyrs of a balmy summer evening, I can at least bike in the wind/rain etc if I want to.  With astro, if it is cloudy, you are screwed.  There is no plan B.  And we have been screwed for rather a lot of time these last few years.

But yes, have to persevere.  There looks like no clear sky in the next week or so either.....

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18 hours ago, Olli said:

So after the past month ( might be even longer)  it has been cloudy basically every night or its raining since the first month I bought my scope I managed to use it a few times but havent since. And now as the skies are getting dark later I no longer feel like going out as I'm just too tired to go out late. Because of these reasons I  keep thinking to myself if I have waisted my money on buying a scope. I know this is probably not true and will hopefully pass when I get to use scope again but was wondering if any of you have had this feeling before?  


I still have my strong interest in astronomy still though :)

On a lot of stuff. Very few nights when weather, wakefulness, health and inclination have all prevailed together. I think a lot of gear buying is astro related retail therapy as a result of disappointment.  

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4 hours ago, scarp15 said:

Yep I'm looking forward to that aspect to, short sleeved cycling jersey, etc. Having other interests and hobbies ensures that you are kept occupied.

 Night viewing in T-shirt, shorts & sandals (but with much insect repellent on). Never mind astronomical twilight, if there is anything shining & viewable I'll be out there!

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1 hour ago, scarp15 said:

Shedding a few layers is good, here, the down jacket is replaced with a down vest, late summer nights can become chilly.

From August where I live! But that's normally the first month of autumn these years. 

More sense to buy dual purpose scopes & eye pieces now. So terrestial use covered as well. Better value for money generally. 

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I try and do a bit of running & cycling.  I play pool & am learning the piano.  I fit astronomy in when the sky and time is right.  Another thing is HiFi & turntable (a lovely past time).  I often think I could have a few grand in my pocket instead, but then I would never see the planets, moon & stars.  Also what would I do with a few grand ? ......apart from spend it on another telescope setup to see the sky again.

 I would miss it if it wasn't there.  I do wish it was used a little more, but it's there and that is comforting. 

Edited by jabeoo1
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My telescopes, eyepieces, and all the other paraphernalia that I have collected over the years in pursuit of this passion/hobby, lie around and remind me only of the pleasure that awaits, the next time the sky is clear.

You still have your strong interest in Astronomy, Olli, that is all that matters really...:happy11:

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I've certainly felt very frustrated in the last few weeks at the weather, particularly because having just started trying to learn how to make my first forays into DSO imaging, and feeling like I'm making quite good progress, I really want to spend all the time I can continuing to learn and to correct my earlier mistakes. 

What I have gained in that time is some useful practice in image processing, aided immeasurably by the many generous members here who are happy to share their knowledge and experience. 

In summary, the frustration is real but it's never reached the point of regretting a single penny that I've spent on astro gear. 


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I feel sorry for all the people with expensive dedicated gear in fixed locations especially. 

Apart from work fatigue, and too much street & neighbour lighting, what killed off my big scope stargazing was weather.

Been less good for about 20 years now. Milder but cloudy & wet for longer.  

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11 hours ago, Dragon_Astro said:

Is a shame Galaxy season has been a bit of a right off so far :(

Sunday night was clear for me, first time in a month, and Leo is already speeding along to the West and Cygnus is making an appearance come 1am.

Yep, I had a few projects in mind.  Markarian's chain, Leo Triplet amongst others (he laughs).  Looks like it ain't happenin'.  Again..... ?  Before long it won't be dark until 11PM and the skies will then clear for weeks and I'l no doubt have a lot of 5AM morning starts with work..... 

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44 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

Yep, I had a few projects in mind.  Markarian's chain, Leo Triplet amongst others (he laughs).  Looks like it ain't happenin'.  Again..... ?  Before long it won't be dark until 11PM and the skies will then clear for weeks and I'l no doubt have a lot of 5AM morning starts with work..... 

Same here, plus some of the Hickson galaxy groups and Arps.

Ive also started a 12" dob build...."making scopes while the clouds gather"

Thats a saying right? Lol

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On 10/04/2018 at 08:58, kirkster501 said:

Galaxy season is so far a write-off.

Ditto - I took my QSI camera off my 4" APO and swapped out the connectors/adapters, so that I could focus on galaxy close ups with my C14+Optec FF/FR for a few weeks before the run up to Jupiter oppoistion late April/ early May, but so far I haven't even been able to get my autofocus settings for the C14 calibrated, let alone take any images. I'm now thinking that its highly unlikely that I'll get any done before I switch to planetary in a couple of weeks time, so I will probably put the camera back on the 4" to shoot some of the wider field summer targets like veil, NAB for which the C14 is a no go, which of course means reconfiguring the camera/adapters again....!! Oh well, its still a fun hobby and I don't think that I've wasted too much money - though my wife has a completely different opinion on that :icon_rolleyes:

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On 4/10/2018 at 09:40, Peter Drew said:

I've spent most of my life and money on astronomy. I've seen so many wonderful things and met so many wonderful people that I feel that every minute and penny have been well spent.  :icon_biggrin:

Yes I agree with Peter. I have been involved with astronomy for well over 50 years and have seen some wonderful events and met some great fellow astronomers that will remain friends for the rest of my life.

It has been rather annoying weather recently and I have only really used my PST and the small Heritage 130P. Next week I fly out to California for nearly a month and I am taking my 12x70 Binoculars in the hope of seeing some delights of lower Scorpius and Sagittarius plus hopefully catch a view of Omega Centauri. If the skies are kind I will be a happy observing astronomer again.


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Take up Astro IMAGING of some kind... Multiply the brief time of frenetic outdoor
activity by an order of magnitude, endlessly processing & reprocessing the data? :D 

Get into modifying & customising stuff, you're rarely at a loose end from then on! 
(You may NEVER get to actually try out the result, but why worry about details?) :p

But there are so many different AREAS of Astronomy to try out... Try something
you *don't* think you'll like? You don't have to be an expert! Later, who knows? ;)

Edited by Macavity
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A decade or so back, we had a year with many more good nights than I was used to. It felt like I could take out the telescope every night. There was a great increase in my observing, but after a few weeks I began to get bored! Too blase to bother.

No chance of that happening these days in which sessions are so few and far between. I now feel I've invested in a hobby that can never wear out. Impossible at this rate!

Edited by Ruud
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40 minutes ago, Macavity said:

Take up Astro IMAGING of some kind... Multiply the brief time of frenetic outdoor
activity by an order of magnitude, endlessly processing & reprocessing the data? :D 

Get into modifying & customising stuff, you're rarely at a loose end from then on! 
(You may NEVER get to actually try out the result, but why worry about details?) :p

But there are so many different AREAS of Astronomy to try out... Try something
you *don't* think you'll like? You don't have to be an expert! Later, who knows? ;)

True, but you need DATA to work with.  Not much of that been incoming this last month or so....

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I just bought a new Newt. 

Farmers (who were right about last year) are shaking their heads about this one. Cold & wetter April even more means good weather for :fish:

This era of global warming & clouds means less planning & more opportunism. See what is there to be seen rather than what you want to see. 

Most constellations have doubles, variables, DSOs and different coloured stars. All have loads more everything than naked eyes, binoculars and smaller scopes can show. See a smudge in the sky, an interesting asterism - look 'em up! Re-visit what started the wonder. 

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5 hours ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Yes I agree with Peter. I have been involved with astronomy for well over 50 years and have seen some wonderful events and met some great fellow astronomers that will remain friends for the rest of my life.

It has been rather annoying weather recently and I have only really used my PST and the small Heritage 130P. Next week I fly out to California for nearly a month and I am taking my 12x70 Binoculars in the hope of seeing some delights of lower Scorpius and Sagittarius plus hopefully catch a view of Omega Centauri. If the skies are kind I will be a happy observing astronomer again.


Scorpio?, you'll only find that in the tabloids.   :D

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24 minutes ago, laser_jock99 said:

The weather has been disapointing- that's why it's important to have interests other than astronomy that aren't so weather dependant. Dark & raining? Spin some vinyl !!!!!

Of course I have other hobbies :)

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