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Hello from another newbie!


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Just wanted to say hello as I am new here! I've just joined a few days ago and today my first "real" 'scope arrived from FLO (I found flo via this site) and really excited to get outside.  I got a cheap 'scope  (innovi refractor ) a while ago which was so frustrating! I ended up using my husbands binoculars and could just about (when squinting) make out two Jovian moons...hoping tonight to get to actually see them clearer (and hopefully the other two)! 

So just finished setting up my mount (I got the Skywatcher Explorer 130 mm EQ2 ) and just waiting for it to get dark (and hoping the cloud that shouldn't be here clears - the forecast said clear and there has barely been a cloud in the sky all day....typical!) 

Hope everyone has clear skies tonight :icon_biggrin:

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This is a great forum with lots of lovely people who will help you out whwn you need your questions answered.

Enjoy the scope, a splendid choice to get you started.  Hoping you get the conditions.




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Thank you everyone :-)  Managed to see Jupiter and 3 of the moons - I was totally blown away, it was amazing (10 mm EP)! There was also a gorgeous large, red moon last night.  Sadly cloud came over very quickly and lingered.  I do need to practice moving the mount/scope around - felt very weird and struggled to find what I was looking for (could see with naked eye just getting the scope to actually be looking at it was hard work!)  but I guess that will come with practice.   


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Enjoy the SGL  forum TessicaStar,  you will soon make lots of friends here.
As said, please ask If you need an answer to questions you may have. there's always
something that needs an explanation.  This place is populated by many knowledgeable folks all eager to please
Astro. beginners who find the learning curve a steep one.
Main aim is for you to enjoy it here, which I'm sure you will.
Best Wishes.

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Welcome to the SGL from Edinburgh!!

the 130 is a great scope and once this moon has passed and the sky is a bit darker you should be able to see some great sight with it! the Hercules cluster is stunning!

Like others have said-any questons about any aspect of this hobby, from basic questions about what to look at to complex (and in my opinion head hurting) questions such as how the universe will end and black holes then just ask!

clear skies!

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From one newbie to another do not be afraid to ask ANYTHING in here at all. No matter how trivial or stupid you may think your question is I am sure they have heard a lot worse :smile:

Have fun


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