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Barnard 22 & IC 2087 (Taurus) from DSW


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This is data shot in January at the Deep Sky West facility in New Mexico.

It is an un-reduced Takahashi FSQ 106 on a Paramount MyT mount.


  • Luminance: 30x900s
  • Red: 20x900s
  • Blue: 20x900s 
  • Green: 20x900s


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34 minutes ago, Swoop1 said:


How does one get access to a facility such as DSW? Have you friends in high places?


Like all things connected to Astrophotography it is a case of throwing money at the problem......

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Thanks all.  I agree about the Nazgul/ Dementor thing.  I've seen somone else describe it as a jousting knight on horseback.  Still the 'Nazgul Nebula' does have a certain 'Ring' to it, don't you think?


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