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M78 improved, 5+ hrs DSLR


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So I managed to get a few more subs for my M78 and now it´s starting to look the way I want it :)
Still a bit noisy since I have to push the stretching and use of curves to separate the darkest dust clouds from the background. But I´d rather keep some of the noise, I like that look better than the oversmooth result of too heavy NR.

This time the Ha-regions of this area are starting to show as well.

61*5 minutes @ISO800
Canon EOS 550D (modded)
Skywatcher 150-PDS
Baader MPCC coma corrector
Orion MMAG

Enjoy! Make sure you watch it a while in full screen since it´s so dark it takes a while for the eyes to see the separation in the dusty areas :)


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14 minutes ago, mikeDnight said:

That really is beautiful Martin! :thumbsup:


Thanks Mike! :)

12 minutes ago, Barry-Wilson said:

Very good M78 Martin; such a difficult target and you have produced a cracking result.

Thank you! I just wish I could afford (and handle) a CCD.

1 minute ago, PatrickGilliland said:

Super result Martin - lovely detail, dust and great processing.


Thank you Paddy!

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8 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Well done indeed. Excellent. I xwonder if you could tease out a little more from the faint reds?


Thanks Olly! I could probably beat it into submission and pull out some more red but I tried not to overdo it this time since I wanted to go easy on the Nr :) I don't like the mottled "DSLR-look" I get when going too far in abusing my data.

If I shot some separata Ha it would be a different matter. Might do that another time.

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2 hours ago, Maximidius said:

That's a stunner, Martin! You've really worked some magic with that DSLR data. Do you use an LP filter of any kind ? 

Thank you! No filters :) It's a bit of a challenge since it doesn't rise to more than 25 degrees or so and in the direction where I have LP. Although my definition of LP would probably be considered dark enough for most :)

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