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SGL 12 Pictures


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There is a distinct lack of pictures coming from Lucksall :glasses12:

Come on chaps - even some pictures disastrous tent erecting, The Huge Breakfast Galaxy, Curry Nebula or the Hog Roast Cluster would keep those of us who couldn't attend going until your skies clear :wink:


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I think we are a bit down Derek,  the weather is pretty dreary
However, we enjoyed the Chicken Curry last night, and the Astro. quiz that followed.
Michael Morris did a fine job there.
Some rewarding talks this afternoon By Rik, the DSLR wizard. Very interesting indeed.
That was followed by Superb insight into Sequence Generator Pro. provided by Daz.~
 A third talk on Image processing with Photoshop
by young Rob. drew a big audience too.  I'm sure some Images will follow, whether they are Astro. ones is in the lap of the Gods.
We live in hope.

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Back home now. Started the most challenging part of camping - drying my tent!!

Weather was disappointing but it's my second time camping (and second SGL) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Friday night curry and Sat night hogroast as good as ever, new friends made. Third time's a charm so looking forward to the next one!


Thanks for helping me setting up my tent :) Say hello to James for me please. 


It was a great pleasure chatting with you guys on Sat and hope to see you next time. @hobbes I just realised we were only three tents away!


I went out for a walk on Sat into the woodland. It was peaceful and beautiful. Some pics










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9 hours ago, cotterless45 said:

I managed this drawing. It shows the low permacloud, some drizzle, some raindrops and a mass of biting midges !  It doesn't show the warmth of our fellow astronomers , always happy and hopeful !

Old Nick.IMG_4149.JPG

Nice one Nick :). Great to see you again, sorry not to get the chance to say goodbye but you were up with the larks!

See you in March hopefully.

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One from Saturday - my friend Liz showing off her telescope :smile:  She's had it for 6 years, but had been too afraid to set it up (no instructions).  So this was first light!  We had to make do with trees for views, but fun nonetheless :hippy2:


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 It was a nice gathering of like minded souls but as nearly always the weather did not play its part. Damp and overcast BUT on sunday night a hole appeared in the clouds and something called stars appeared for a very short time. Red lights came on and excited voices were heard but it did not last long. Monday morning came and the mist was everywhere . I enclose photos of that morning and also a photo of the same site last year when the sun on its way to bed cast a wonderful redness over the hill behind the site. The inside shot is of the converted ambulance that came for the first time to tests its internal set up for outside astronomy. Great machine. Must not forget to say the curry was great as was the quiz very funny. The hog roast was a treat as the pig had been training for the event and there was so much meat that seconds and thirds came round with almost everyone taking part.










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I had a great week-end despite some overindulgence on Friday night.  Brilliantly organised and lots of great chat and food at the cafe.  Last night there were some breaks in the cloud for about 20 mins before the fog rolled in.  Here are a couple of shots with a Canon 6D and a Peleng 8mm fisheye.   The second was taken as the fog was fast taking over.



 SGL fisheye.jpgSGL fisheye-2.jpg

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uAny chance you can remember the camera settings you used as I to tried to image the sky with my fisheye but it was dark and not natural as yours is.  Was it a shot or timed exposure? I was using manual with a bulb setting at 800iso for 30 secs


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Thanks for all the pictures guys - I must admit that I missed the social aspects of the event much more than the astronomy so it is great to see what was going on. 

Until next time :wink:


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7 minutes ago, DRT said:

Thanks for all the pictures guys - I must admit that I missed the social aspects of the event much more than the astronomy so it is great to see what was going on. 

Until next time :wink:


Thats my sentiments exactly seeing the photos of Lucksall this time around. I'm definitely going to try and get to the next event :icon_biggrin:


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8 hours ago, jaygpoo said:

Thanks for that but you say you ran a sequencer. Did you take more than 1 frame at 40 sec. Still good though and I will try again . jay

I didn't do any stacking.  I ran a sequence so that I could perhaps do a time lapse.  The 2 pics here are just single 40 second shots

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Okay at last w are home and i have proper access to internet, so i am starting to sort pics and video from the flight of the phantom drone, to start with i have a few still shots, just random, and some have a dust bunny on the lens will have to post video`s later as it will take a good while to upload to youtube, 

SGL12  (1).JPG

SGL12  (2).JPG

SGL12  (4).JPG

SGL12  (5).JPG

SGL12  (6).JPG

SGL12  (7).JPG

SGL12  (8).JPG

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Got home in my hired motorcaravan this afternoon. A sunny day, light traffic and the wonderful autumn colours made for a rather pleasant drive. Sadly, no pictures of the sky, even though I waited with my dripping wet dslr until midnight last night. I did take one photo in my motorcaravan, though. A small consolation.





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