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Hello from Kent


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Hello all,

I've just joined the forum as I've recently, by comparison to many of you, got in to astronomy and specifically AP.  

As a Consultant Engineer I have an absolute fascination for the precision and design of the equipment which is costing me an absolute fortune (as I'm sure you can all sympathise as my other half certainly isn't), and am already totally addicted to the whole thing.

I have had an underlying interest in astronomy since childhood, but a single fairly recent view of our moon through a pair of 25x100 binoculars just triggered something which has led to becoming totally absorbed in what is now my new hobby.

I really know very little at the moment but want to learn and am always open to advice and pointers.  I have taken my first proper DSO images of M31, M33 and B33 using LRGB, which whilst not very good in comparison to many I've seen, I am absolutely delighted with, and really spurred me on to get more and better images.

I will update my signature with my equipment, but in summary I have a Celestron C8 SCT on an AVX mount, Explore Scientific 80 ED on a AZ-EQ6 mount.  I image with an Atik 460EX and have a couple of ZWO cameras for planetary and using the 120MM for guiding the ES80.

I'm looking to join a local Astronomy club (Mid Kent Astronomy Society) where I hope to meet like minded people and obtain experienced advice.

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21 minutes ago, Dave Lloyd said:

Hi Ray, welcome. Those binocs you mentioned sound the biz.

They definitely were Dave, absolutely awesome.  Unfortunately they weren't mine so I had to give them back, but the seed was sown.

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Yep, quite near. I went along to the MKAS lecture on Friday. I was made very welcome. Like you I have been spending a small fortune over the last month or so. SWMBO is getting a tad upset now. But its addictive. I don't drink or smoke so need something lol.

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11 minutes ago, steviebee said:

Yep, quite near. I went along to the MKAS lecture on Friday. I was made very welcome. Like you I have been spending a small fortune over the last month or so. SWMBO is getting a tad upset now. But its addictive. I don't drink or smoke so need something lol.

Same here Steve, don't drink or smoke but she still doesn't get it lol.  However, the good news is she likes looking through the scope and was amazed at my first proper DSO images.

I've heard good things about MKAS and how friendly they are, so will definitely be joining and going along.  It seems no matter how much you research, do and practice, there's still a million questions to ask.

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