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Sol 17-8-16 09.00


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cracking skys thismorrning, seeing is very good. kit AR127l for close up and 120mm for full disc, 1.5x barlow, lunt wedge, 1200d in mono and crop mode. 70 frames staxed with regi and sorted in photoshop. thanks for looking and clear skys. charl.


sol 17-8-16 09.05.png


sol 17-8-16 09.05 col.png


sol 17-8-16 09.05 inv.png

sol 17-8-16 09.05 cu.png

the right close up.



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Great set Charl. Nice to see some detail. Midweek day off today so Up till 4 watching olympics last night so only just got out of my pit but the skies look good here too. Might have something to add myself in a bit. 

Or maybe not. Venus outside. 

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Nice sharp images Charl, sunnyish here so will have to stir the SCT into life and piggyback something on it :grin:

Bit late getting moving this morning as I was up until the early hours playing with the new mount.


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thanks John, let us know if you need any help mate. i use 1/800 shutter speed, iso 100.mono, 1:1 crop mode then sol fills the frame nice.clear skys charl.

32 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Trying out new camera, but having problems. No doubt a plea for help will follow.


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